It’s not a joke though Minnesota really does have the blandest trough slop in north america it’s awful.
They have this thing they call “hot dish” which is they dump green beans and cream of mushroom soup in a casserole dish and put tater tots on it. This is the height of Minnesotan cultural cuisine. I am not joking. It is not seasoned.
It’s not a joke though Minnesota really does have the blandest trough slop in north america it’s awful.
They have this thing they call “hot dish” which is they dump green beans and cream of mushroom soup in a casserole dish and put tater tots on it. This is the height of Minnesotan cultural cuisine. I am not joking. It is not seasoned.
Seems that
gets big mad about “white people tacos” the way that
defenders get big gammon-tier mad about how bland/gross their food is (unless it’s from colonially seized peoples and their cuisine which is a total checkmate)
Are the French, Italians and Spaniards the only white people with good food?
Depends on whether you consider Greeks and Georgians to have good food, OR be white
Also shout out to Romania, Poland and Russia for sarmales, pierogi and solyanka. And I don’t want to even get started on borscht, but whichever eastern European nationality happens to be cooking it, it’s bound to be great
Let me grab the map:
Ukraine and not enough war crimes 😬
This was pre 2022, so I’m more worried about Finland. Same with Norway.
Hungary should be red/grey because they’re the only central european country who know how to season food, but otherwise this is
Goulash so good. I should make it sometime, got a family recipe
As an anthropologist i endorse this diagram.
Trick question none of those ethno groups are white.
You didn’t name any white groups there. The first white person sprung forth from a rock fissure in South Carolina in 1690. There were no white before then. I was there.
I am not of the mayo phenotype but I’d probably like that tbh
It shouldn’t be completely bland if you saute some onion and garlic, that’s the taste base of meals for like a thousand years
Would be better with literally any spice
My sister has received significant praise for just adding Georgian seasoning to the old family potato salad recipe lol
Green bean casserole is often topped with fried onions from a can. This helps but it is still a vile texture
They have this thing they call “hot dish” which is they dump green beans and cream of mushroom soup in a casserole dish and put tater tots on it.
I’ve made this! Well, a vegan equivalent with mushroom gravy I made myself. And I used frozen mixed veggies, not just green beans. Oh, and I seasoned it. And put some (vegan) cheese on it. But it was really good! Sure, it’s not something I’d serve to anyone or even admit I enjoy (except anonymously on the internet, I guess), but like, it’s almost a shepherd’s pie situation, except with tots instead of mashed potatoes. Surprisingly good for a lazy meal, and lots of leftovers!
gravy I made myself
This sounds pretty lazy, yeah
Making gravy is lazy if you’re interested in cooking. Of course, if you don’t like cooking that’s a different story, but I don’t consider gravy a very involved dish to make.
Gravy is one of the laziest foods ever! I’ve made gravies while blackout drunk. I’ve made gravies while too high to function. It takes a little time (like 10 minutes, maximum) and some pretty constant stirring, but for the amount of tasty it adds to a dish, it’s well worth it. It often feels like the gravy makes itself while I just stand there waiting for it to come together.
yo, what’s your mushroom gravy recipe? I’m always looking to try and improve mine. Next time though, try fried onions. That’s the original and the crunchiness does wonders for the texture.
Oh, it’s a pretty straightforward, very lazy gravy! I make a roux with flour and oil, then add in broth while whisking vigorously to get rid of any clumps. Then I add a can or two of canned mushrooms and I season it with salt, pepper, soy sauce, maybe some msg, and herbs. Lots of herbs. Rosemary, sage, thyme, parsley, usually dried because that’s what we have sitting around, but I bet fresh would be even better. We also have some, like, mushroom stir fry sauce (I don’t exactly know what it is) that we found in an asian market, so I usually add some of that to get it more mushroomy.
And yeah, I’ve done fried onions on a green bean casserole. In my mind that’s different than a tater tot hot dish. I do love green bean casserole though!
Forgive me for being prejudiced eurotrash but isn’t a lot of “traditional” white American foods just branded processed foods hastily mixed together? Are fresh ingredients that hard to get your hands on? Has the knowledge of how to cook them been lost?
A lot of “traditional” white American food rises from traditions of using government issued foodstuffs. Government cheese, spam, various concoctions devised from military rations. But quite a lot also comes from what immigrant communities were able to afford, which was generally the worse stuff. There’s also a not-insignificant number of white households that possessed no generational cooking knowledge because it was done by slaves, and thus had no culinary culture they could continue without the requisite skills.
Roughly 30% of white families in the confederate states owned slaves
A lot of the Americanization process encouraged immigrants to give to their customs and replace them with American substitutes. Shitty food is a result of generations of urban working class proles fed on cheap “American approved” slop and losing their customs and knowledge
A lot of the weird stuff is a holdout from the Great Depression and the years after refrigeration became ubiquitous
Are fresh ingredients that hard to get your hands on?
I mean we have food deserts here for one thing. I imagine theres more to the answer to your question, but thats one thing I can mention.
Many people who come to a us grocery store for the first time are shocked at how cheap meat is, and how expensive fresh veg is.
It’s sort of a 50/50 split between standard poverty meals adapted by time and region, and recipes invented by marketing campaigns to sell processed slop.
Upstate NY beats out Minnesota in the bland food category, all they have is buffalo sauce w/ bleu cheese. Most of the restaurants I go to don’t even salt the food, at least Campbell’s cream of mushroom is packed full of sodium. Sponge candy is bland, they used to produce brown beans that everyone acknowledged needed to have ingredients added to give them flavor, and even the hotdogs have a weird texture because they’re ground so fine and not smoked. Don’t even get me started on salt potatoes or garbage plates.
garbage plates
I have never seen a more aptly named dish in my life.
What frustrates me so much about garbage plates is how inferior they are to typical Midwest summertime grilling meals. Gimme some brats and sloppy joes with coleslaw or pasta salad and a pile of Old Dutch ripple chips to scoop up any loose bits.
Good god wtf is that
Just going off visuals here, oven roasted potato, macaroni salad with a dash of paprika, yellow onion and extra mayo, with maybe some mozzarella cheese sprinkled on top and then melted under some unseasoned hamburger.
There is a burger patty or hotdogs under the melted cheese. That stuff on top is called meat sauce in Rochester, it’s skyline chilli but locals will get mad at you if you say that.
There are vegan versions as well with portobello mushrooms and lentils. Both are solid, but only when your drunk at 3 in the morning.
Don’t forget the ketchup, really seals the dish lol
If those potatoes are fried/deep fried i am absolutely into it
Honestly Id smack on that if the meat is seasoned right
It almost explains the constant wars
Depends on what you mean by upstate, anything between NYC and Albany tends to still be good but go north or west of Albany and it’s gonna get as bad as you said
Well yeah obviously Albany food is going to be good. They invented steamed hams.
I don’t spend much time in the Hudson valley, but I can assume proximity to the coast would improve the quality. I think it’s overall an issue with restaurants not using much butter or salt due to folks being more health conscious. Food like chicken riggies and spiedies are generally something I enjoy but only if I make it myself and add those rich ingredients.
Made “hot dish” with refried beans, fried onions and queso and topping it with crushed tortilla chips instead of cream of mushroom soup and green beans makes a pretty good half-assed taco casserole kinda thing tbh, tater tots are a nice base to add assorted slop to in a baking pan and just chuck it in the oven for awhile.
Cream of mushroom soup is nasty though, so are any kind of pasta/potato salads where the main ingredient is mayo, and “Waldorf salad” is an affront to apples
It’s sad because homemade mushroom soup with cream is actually really nice, the canned stuff is kinda horrifying and it’s basically white person umami for casseroles
I swear the canned cream of mushroom used to actually be decent. Pretty sure corporate fucked it over the last few decades
Night of the living Watergate Salad
As a general rule if you couldn’t walk to the sea in one day of forced march the “salad” isn’t a salad.
Good ol beef bean tater, it’s fine.
Nah, that’s “green bean casserole.” That’s the ONLY hotdish we DON’T call hotdish. Ive always seen it with fried onions, not tots, but everyone makes a hotdish a little differently.
There’s a thousand kind of hotdishes and there are good and bad ones, I guarantee you.
I’ll die on the hill that the only issue with green bean casserole is that it isn’t vegan. Its’ meant to be communal, if made properly the contrast between the softness and the crunch create an inviting texture, it is quite possibly the only way to sneak both soy sauce and black pepper into a dish that middle America won’t question, it was designed to be cheap and therefore accessible, no authentic version has tater tots, no authentic version is unseasoned, for the less unadventurous it benefits greatly from adding even more spice (paprika, garlic powder, and sprinkle some herbs on top of the onion. if making a vegan version use a but less cashews than you would normally use for a vegan cream of mushroom. I don’t know why, it just works better.). Also, if you like the taste of hot peppers but not the heat, its a great vehicle for cutting the heat so much you can still dump some capsicum bomb on there.
I am channeling Lenin and screaming “utopianism! Utopianism!”
There might be some theory of edible green bean casserole or edible hot dish. It might work on paper. You might look at the recipe and think “mmm, yes, i can see the appeal.”
But on earth? Where people live and die? No such thing exists, nor could it.
But it can’t be a utopian dish if I’ve actually made variations of it. It’s Eutopian.
Fr though I would die from shame if Lenin wakes up and insults my cooking. Breath of the snake has served a silly dish, I won’t be trying it.
it’s funny that white people hate spices! Not racist at all! Just funny!
Yeah, glad to see you admit it
Lil Benny is such a fucking dork-ass loser lmao
I want to buy a locker just so I can stuff him into it
It’s especially funny how his particular way of getting mad about something is to be all “yeah, that’s amusing isn’t it?!??!”
And it almost always is lmao
Reading Shapiro’s tweet I seriously wasn’t sure if it was sarcastic or not for a moment. My response to basically any rhetorical white right wing “questions” like “do you want white people reduced and just immigrants everywhere in America?” And I’m like actually yeah, that sounds fine ??
It’s funny when they act out and say shit like “I bet you want to institute communism and put me in a gulag”
Only 'cause you asked so nicely, bro.
“A taco truck on every corner”
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Anti-krakkka Action
Spicy cannon lmao
Picturing Nick Cage in The Wicker Man but instead of bees its chilies.
Sweetie racism exists, but it’s only against white people
It’s not racist because white people are entirely unharmed by it, dipshits.
Excuse me, haven’t you seen how harmed they are on Twitter? :(
NOTHING OFFENDS THEM™ except when white people tacos. Or too many feeemales in Ghostbusters. Or pronoun options in bibeo game.
Or someone saying “Seasons Greetings”… yeah, guess that’s the seasoning thing again.
When I worked retail back in college in multiple places at the same time, nothing set off a certain kind of white petite bourgeoisie than saying “happy holidays” even if you said ‘Merry Christmas’ before and after it and were just trying not to get bored saying the exact same thing to each and every customer.
That’s the thing about Nat-Cs, they can’t stand the thought of anyone celebrating any holiday other than the one they stole.
I wish I had natural Cs
Your progesterone ration has been increased.
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And you just know those igno’s just listened uncritically to Bing Crosby sing “happy holidays” on their way to the mall. Mf boomers cant even look up the fact the saying’s been around as long as they have, and it means “merry christmas and happy new year”
The culture war enemy is a shifting target. They only accept Ripley and Vasquez in Aliens because that movie was around during the member-berries era where they felt safe.
If Aliens came out today there’d be soooooo much
and not just because of the women in it but because the men are shown as weak and vulnerable at times and it suggests that a mega corporation is evil and fucked up.
Yeah and if you tell them that they’ll just go “well no Ripley was well written! We’re fine with well written women!”
And its so blatantly obvious that no, the difference isnt the writing, its that reactionary youtube grifters werent around in 1986 to tell them what to be mad at. I’ve literally seen them call Chell from Portal “well written” in this way, for fuck’s sake she doesnt fucking speak. If the reactionairy grift Network had been around when Portal came out they’d hate Chell too. An unsexualized woman protagonist in a game? WOKE!
In my opinion Aloy was very well written by contemporary game standards but that didn’t stop a bunch of
from giving her clumsy
makeovers that make zero sense for the character and the environment she’s in.
I’ve literally seen them call Chell from Portal “well written” in this way, for fuck’s sake she doesnt fucking speak.
I’ve seen worse. I’ve seen
chuds say Chell was well written because she, quote, shuts the fuck up."
They’re the reason “you can’t release Blazing Saddles today.”
Chell is also, iirc, ambiguously brown.
Someone would definitely do a six hour video on why hicks is soy and how he promotes the woke agenda to emasculate men.
How to really piss off a white: seasoned greetings
I like white people tacos and I don’t care who knows it
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I use tortilla and hold the sour cream for my white people tacos tbf
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See if you can get Crema Fresca sometime, it’s the Mexican version of sour cream, similar but different, a little lighter. Your wife will probably like it.
If you can’t buy it try adding a little water or milk to your sour cream to thin it and maybe a pinch of salt to dull the sourness. It’s what I do when I can’t get crema.
But how do you eat them? Those stupid white people shells disintegrates the moment you bite into them.
sour cream adhere a flour tortilla to the crunchy one.
or just carefully balance it and scoop the crumbles and fallen filling into your mouth like a gremlin
Can’t find it rn, but a dude made a taco holder and recorded himself eating a taco over an empty shell so that the drippings fell into the empty shell. Galaxy brained shit, making another taco with the one you are currently eating.
Best is frying tortillas until they’re able to maintain their shape but not so well done they explode.
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Riiight?! You don’t! You don’t eat them! You walk down the fucking conga line of sadness diligently assembling your shitty flavorless tacos and getting your shitty more salt than potato chips and your shitty both under and over ripe flavorless fruit salad and then you go sit down with all these big puffy white faces with shitty hair and shitty clothes laughing out loud at jokes which are in no way funny or else sneering at each other miserably, and the smell is awful and everyone’s teeth are stained yellow by nicotine and you try to bite the fucking thing and it comes apart and then you’re just staring at this demolished mess of flavorless tomato chunks and flavorless beef and vaguely petroleum scented flavorless “cheese” and your little six year olf brain is thinking “this can’t be it. There must be more to life than this. I need to get out of this fucking place”.
The 80s fucking sucked.
You ever had one of those taco bags where you fill a bag of fritos with taco slop? God, I love that shit
“Taco slop” seems like a phrase that should disgust me, but now I’m hungry.
Spiced ground hamburger, salsa, cheese, green onions, maybe some jalapeños.
Frito pie or walking tacos, they slap
I used to fry up a bunch of onion and mix it with ground beef and refried beans, along with a packet of “taco seasoning”. I called it taco slop and it was basically a higher grade microwave burrito filling, lol.
I’m not against the flavor combo, but the delivery method seems really underwhelming to me. Like, I could have all of this on a plate of nachos and enjoy it way more.
Keep forgetting that lil Benny got facial hair so people would take him seriously
Reactionary white guys love to make “beard” their personality
The Quartering and
come to mind
Just like
deciding to start wearing glasses
His beard is not very impressive, I’d say
He spent a year or more looking like he went through a divorce and subsequent drinking problem.
looking like he went through a divorce
Um excuse me but, he has a wife and she’s a doctor.
And her vagina is perfectly dry.
Really sad, what low testosterone makes a guy go through to grow a beard
Not even white people can get away with making fun of white people.
tacos that are pretty much just ground beef and cheese is something white people really do though. not all white people of course, but it’s a thing and not rare at all
A fried flour tortilla with unseasoned ground beef, shredded cheese, big chunks of tomato, and lettuce. They’re so gross. Shops selling something like a mexican street taco has started to pop up and it’s so nice bc white people tacos aren’t fit to feed dogs.
See the problem here is the unseasoned ground beef. You’ve gotta pour in one of those old el paso taco seasoning pouches in there.
Like i said, unseasoned!
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I am fairly certain one of my aunts genuinely served us unseasoned meat.
aaaaaa I am bothered!
There were WARS over seasoning!
There were TONS OF MURDERS over seasoning!
Both, honestly.
And/or “taco sauce” labelled as such
Remember the adds for that salsa where the cowboys would yell about the other salsa brand being made in “New York City!” To imply that their brand was authentic and their brand was like weirdly thick tomato flavored water?
This youtube comment I found where someone ended up liking them was kinda cute though.
I like the white people tacos lol. Other than the tomatoes which Ive hated since I was a kid.
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I dont even have tomato sauce on pasta lol. (Though actually, my sister put some sauce on the pasta she made me a coupled days ago, but when I make it for myself). Just olive oil and parmesan. Alfredo is also good for a special treat. But tomato sauce I am no particular fan.
I am ok with it on pizza though. But not when there are visible chunks between the cheese and the crust. Hate that.
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You get it!!!
You gotta make your own tomato sauce. Me and my partner get a thing of feta, a quart of grape tomatoes, some onion and garlic. Bake for like an hour with olive oil and pepper and other spices you like. Blend that up and serve with a protein and type of pasta you like.
Only an hour? This is tomato heresy
You only get the best flavours after 8-12 hours of slow cooking
This is true for pasta sauce, but for fresh tomato (now is the season in NA ) sauce the cooking doesn’t have to be so long.
I’ve found 4-5 hours to be my hot spot, with San Marzano tomatoes. Beyond that it reduces too much and doesn’t taste better. Less than that is okay… but it’s better at about four hours.
If I ever become that prepared for cooking I’ll have to give that a try. Haha sounds good though
I love San Marzano tomatoes! And let it cook for like four or five hours to get sugary. That’s what I do, at least, and it turns out woooonderful :3
Why did the ground beef look orange? The beef looked orange and the congealed fat was always bright neon orange? What was that? What the hell were they feeding us?
I think the seasoning packets made it look orange?
You think white people are actually frying their tortillas?
Straight out of the bag, cold, meat and cheese, roll it up and that’s a taco to most whities
No, no, they have “taco shells” that come in boxes at the grocery store. It’s a stale, fried, u-shaped tortilla “taco shell.” Comes right out of the box.
i dont think those are even technically fried. just a bake
thats exactly how my mom made them
That movie is extremely accurate in its depiction of small town white people in the 90s. School was 80% white, the rest were Mexican or Native, and there was like 3 black kids. The Ls in words like “Tortilla” were out in force.
Don’t forget the mound of sour cream to take the edge off of the cheddar cheese!
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Nah the real experience is putting so much wet beef in there that you couldn’t possibly roll it up, and then having it explode all over your plate after one bite
This is the shit my midwestern parents fed me as a kid even though we lived like 100 miles from Mexico. It wasn’t until we were slightly less broke that I experienced flavor.
When I was a kid growing up in the Midwest, this is what I thought tacos were. And then a friend took me to a legit Mexican joint as a teenager and my mind was blown
I know this is a joke, but my dad calls cumin come-in. He also called Chipotle chi-pot-le unironically for years. But that’s what you get when you grow up in a place named Mudlake.
I am one of the white people lol. (I season the beef more than most white people though).
Yeah and they’re great. White people tacos are a distinct, low-effort species from Mexican tacos.
Hot tip: to make your white people tacos meat stretch further, add black beans!
yeah the low effort aspect is one of the things about it that makes it a perfectly valid variation and I’m not just saying that in a backhanded way, sometimes you don’t have time to slow cook meat or marinate it and set up the grill
my favorite way to “elevate” it is to add about 1-2 tablespoons of tomato paste after the ground beef browned, mix it it and let it simmer on low heat covered for 5-15 minutes
The northern European white people taco consists of:
- Hard shell
- Ground beef, that has been “fried”, ie. broken up in a skiltet that is too small and boiled in it’s own juices until grey and nasty with stone of store bought “taco seasoning” (mostly salt and yeast extract but also trace amounts of cumin and other spices)
- Shredded wet iceberg lettuce
- Sugary store bought salsa, either “medium” (someone showed the jar a picture of a jalapeno) or “mild” (essentially chunky tomato ketchup)
- Shredded cheese from a bag
- “Guacamole”, either a combination of sour cream, avocado and a pouch of premixed seasoning or some ungodly shelf-stable green cream cheese concoction
- Two or three slices of pickled jalapeno if you’re really adventurous
Supermarkets promote this as “Mexican” food.
My store has a Mexican aisle in the normal numbered aisle sections, which is basically white people taco supplies. And mexican imports in the world food aisles that is actual food from mexico.
I grew up thinking I hated guacamole because of that nasty-ass shelf-stable shit
Why are you roasting my childhood like this
Reading through this, i’m realizing that this dog vomit excuse for food not only left scarsfor years, it dug deep.
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Perfectly reasonable response.
I had to BEG my mom to season the ground beef for white people tacos, because “I bought the cheese that has taco seasoning in it, why does it need more?”
Growing up in a town with a good amount of hispanic influence and incredible food spoiled me.
I knew a mormon family in southern California who made the whitest tacos Ive ever had. Flour Tortillas (not even heated up), unseasoned ground beef, spring mix, and Catalina dressing instead of taco-sauce. Rough.
LA area has some amazing Mexican food, its where I learned the term guisado. I don’t understand some people.
I bet my mom would love those tacos.
Thankfully, she realized that seasoning doesn’t necessarily mean heat or excess salt and is better about seasoning food now and we found a hole in a wall that does really good mexican food that she likes too.
Lol. Lmao, even
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How else are we supposed to keep our skin so white and silky smooth?
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He’s going to make a video trying to prove Tim wrong but ends up proving him right
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which one is the one who cramps calves
If anything she’s kneecaping people, not cramping calves.