• 291 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2020


  • buh [any]@hexbear.nettopolitics@hexbear.netIt's JOEVER
    4 days ago

    for every question Trump instead deflected with some conservative talking point, frequently the “border crisis” even though biden is just as racist as trump was when it came to immigration. biden would rebut with a vague, breathless “actually everything is great and americans are happy, mack” even though everything is horrible and americans aren’t happy. in the beginning they fought over who is more zionist. at some point in the middle the moderators asked directly about what each would do about drug addiction; trump said he bought “certain dogs” to sniff out drugs, biden said we have machine for that, jack.

  • I don’t think it’s even a split, their lizard brains just see an EV and immediately think “woke” even if it’s one from Melon himself

    I made this post in response to someone posting a video in my work groupchat implying that people who buy Teslas are woke liberals brainwashed by big climate change, yet the one person in the company who everyone here knows has a Tesla is an outspoken conservative like the rest of them (even when it comes to climate change)

    Tesla might market their vehicles as a solution for climate change, and maybe some of their customers are liberals who think EVs are a realistic solution to stop it, but the reality is their customers are mostly chuds who buy it as a status symbol or to support based Elon, and even with lots of evidence online and in real life, they just don’t get it. They’ll see right in front of their eyes a contradiction between what’s in their heads and what real (and it’s not even a large scale societal one like the contradiction between class interests, but one that revolves around culture signifiers which is the only thing anyone in America thinks about anymore), but instead of putting even a little effort towards resolving it, they just stick with the narrative they already know.