the teenage protagonist lectures this mindfucked middle aged lesbian about how revenge is wrong and that, if you think about it she’s worse than the child abusers (and occasionally murderers) that she killed… because reasons?
Assignment: write a movie to show you have literally never read an account of any conversion therapy camp in your life or felt genuine empathy while reading one
Grade: A+
the clones are actually basically child soldier victims groomed since birth and kept in line with violence (and having to all fit within a perfect effective and singular identity) so one of them being trans fits perfectly within their themes
Edit: later on they are forced to commit war crimes with literal mind control chips. I can’t imagine how that would feel
tbf like… it’s better, so much better than trying to lampshade it
I really hope these are just usual forum users and that the weird transphobic ableist rumors about early mods being sex pests because they like wearing thigh highs haven’t persisted. Loooooots of neurodivergent people quit the site for many reasons and I’ve heard there was an autistic mod mass exodus over that kinda shit
There are genuine issues with spaces that try to erase all things perceived as sexual from them (well, mostly, of course there’s genuine utility in spaces that have no sexuality even allowed to be mentioned in them or anything, for ace people spaces and people with sexual trauma and such for example). It’s more complicated than just silencing queer perspectives but I need to stop vague posting and leave it for the effortpost
At the end of the day, they are intended to be attractive. The artist has made a choice to give them all conventionally attractive features in the face and body, that particularly cater to a western male gaze. That is all that can be said for it. Alright, the creator was NB or lesbian or something… but they have something to gain from things going viral, and it is pretty clear what qualities of this post drive its engagement.
Their investment in designing them like this is because they’re a lesbian who’s attracted to women, they made it horny because it’s horny and that’s ok actually. Well, I kind of agree personifying nation states in a horny way is weird. But it’s the personification of a nation state part and not the horny part that’s the issue there. I must emerge from hibernation sooner than I thought.
unfortunately “soon” is relative, once my glacial hibernation state ends I will attend to this
Ok Im going to drop theory here soon about sexualization, prepare yourselves
that’s like, 90% of bourgoisie feminism
oh god it’s going to happen again
I completely reject the notion that any of this is proof against the existence of heroes. Heroic people are real, they’re just actual people who need support and genuine care and aren’t perfect Ubermenschen who do everything themselves and do nothing wrong
ok this is based actually
Their design was, but their actual gender as a character was also purposely left ambiguous because everyone started to see Steve as a man and they wanted an ambiguously gendered character to replace Steve’s role in that regard
but yes
It got even worse after he died, as the USSR turned revisionist and started to expand on its “imperialist ambitions” (a terminology I don’t personally agree with but this is not a controversial thing at all to say in China).
ah, ok. that actually makes sense. forgive me for speaking nonsense
Those were part of the broader proxy wars to crush the USSR.
why would that be good
I just disagree that they’re fully subservient to Adults in the Room type decisions between imperialism or more imperialism that “geopolitics” can be used as a stand-in for. I don’t think China had a responsibility to suffer the indignities that Khr*shchev and/or the USSR in general put them through. Obviously significant responsibility fell on the USSR to actually not be dicks