From where I’m sitting, it looks like death should not be the end in that case.

You can’t perceive the passage of time when you are dead, so you’re just going to experience dying and then immediate rebirth after the countless eons pass for that rare moment where entropy spontaneously reverses to form your mind again.

  • RiotDoll [she/her, she/her]
    2 months ago

    i think these questions are really uninteresting if you’re gonna insist on being purely rational materialist about it, but i think it gets more interesting when you’re willing to play with what reality might be a little more. There are religious motifs that repeat in many cultures about the eternal reocurrence. This idea that earth is made and destroyed in countless infinite, repeating cycles.

    What if you and I have been going at this for a while?

    But if you want the answers science can give right now, probably not

      • QueerCommie [she/her, fae/faer]
        2 months ago

        You don’t lose memories as you live this life? Is someone with dementia or amnesia a different person than they were before? Memories cannot be the basis of self, they are not permenant, and are not always referenced, and each new reference creates a new slightly altered version. There is nothing that can be truly called a self in the colloquial sense, just a vague collection of things artificially stabilized. From this basis it is fair to imagine you could experience another life with the same consciousness without many remnants from the past lives.

      • RiotDoll [she/her, she/her]
        2 months ago

        Do you think so? I think what we are internally isn’t fully dependent on memory and reference, there is some element of us that just is, for at least as long as we’re alive. Behind your eyes and resting within your interior is a spark of something that has existed continuously since you were born, that little “I” of awareness may never change.

        It’s always you imo. You can go through mk ultra style brainwashing, lose your sense of identity, find yourself under a new name and with new interests, but between who you were and who you are, are enough commonalities that I would dispute the notion we’re just electrical signals in wet gooey meat endlessly referencing the past to navigate the present and anticipate the future - but that’s me.

        • iridaniotter [she/her, she/her]
          2 months ago

          I mean what you’re describing is an innate soul that cannot be experimentally observed, similar to cissexist metaphysical sex but for broader identity. It’s an inferior concept of the self than one based off memories, language use, behavior/activity, and ego-image. I suppose even total amnesia can leave behind subconscious behaviors from prior, but this is “memory and reference,” so…

          If you’re talking about the “I” of continuous stream of consciousness, this can be hijacked by multiple entities and even cut off entirely through dissociative barriers. And arguably it’s not of the same quality at a young age anyway.

          • QueerCommie [she/her, fae/faer]
            2 months ago

            And you’ve done it. Independently arrived at the truth of no-self. You don’t have to agree, but if the truly discontinuous that is reality can appear continuous, perhaps this consciousness could appear continuous with another life (I am in no way denying the laws of cause and effect).

  • MF_COOM [he/him]
    2 months ago

    Infinity =/= everything

    Even if the universe has an infinite lifespan (unknown) that does not in any way imply any possible outcome will occur. So there is absolutely no reason to expect a body like yours will be recreated. Even if it was, it still wouldn’t be you it would be your clone.

    • FunkyStuff [he/him]
      2 months ago

      Poincare recurrence is, as far as we understand the laws of the universe, totally possible. If you think of the set of possible states of the universe, the current state it’s in is necessarily in that set. Then, because it’s a closed system, it necessarily has to come back to that state eventually. The hard part to grasp of how that’s physically possible is that, of course, classical thermodynamics tells us that there’s an arrow of time that points in the direction of increasing entropy. But looking at statistical thermodynamics, it turns out that it’s only the case that it’s overwhelmingly more likely that a system, in the macro scale, goes in the direction of increasing entropy. A system spontaneously becoming more ordered is possible, just so very unlikely that it will take a completely unimaginable amount of time to happen. Heat death could reverse itself and little by little build up into a new big bang after silly amounts of time. Like, Tree(Graham’s Number) silly.

      • QueerCommie [she/her, fae/faer]
        2 months ago

        With scientific premises isn’t it more likely an identical “you” lives the exact same life that you did independently, rather than your consciousness picking up where you left off? Maybe Nietzsche was right, lol.

        • FunkyStuff [he/him]
          2 months ago

          I didn’t really get to the topic of consciousness. IMO if poincare recurrence happened, there’s no reason to think that the new ‘you’ would continue your consciousness, it would just be a different person who lives the same life. But we don’t know how consciousness works.

    • cosecantphi [he/him, they/them]@hexbear.netOP
      2 months ago

      Why doesn’t it imply that? We can put a number on the chance that particles randomly come together to reform minds. That number is arbitrarily small, but it’s not zero, hence why we are considering arbitrarily large time scales.

      • MF_COOM [he/him]
        2 months ago

        The set of natural numbers (1, 2, 3, …) is an infinite set, but its infinite nature does not imply that it contains every number (for example, 0.5 is not in the set). Being infinite and being all-encompassing are two different concepts.

        It’s very possible that the universe will have an infinite lifespan but will never accumulate matter after heat death, they will just continue to spread apart at a rate greater than gravity can gather them.

        • cosecantphi [he/him, they/them]@hexbear.netOP
          2 months ago

          Right, but we aren’t talking about the set of natural numbers, we’re talking about the set of ways matter can be distributed in the universe. I know a living me is a possible state in this universe because I exist, so if I can spotaneously form once, why can’t I spontaneously form again?

          • MF_COOM [he/him]
            2 months ago

            I didn’t say it couldn’t happen, I said a universe in existence for an infinite amount of time does not imply that it would.

            But again, like I said earlier even if molecules spontaneously arranged themselves such that a replica of your body is created it still isn’t you. It would best be described as a clone of you.

            • cosecantphi [he/him, they/them]@hexbear.netOP
              2 months ago

              I was thinking that maybe if it’s similar enough to my brain, it should just pick up my consciousness from whereever the fundamental of consciousness is stored. Like what happened the first time, right?

              That’s assuming consciousness is fundamental to the universe and not some emergent thing, I guess.

              I know there’s an acceptable margin of error here because I can place drugs, foreign objects, inside my head to radically alter the functioning of my brain without losing consciousness or irreparably damaging it.

              • MF_COOM [he/him]
                2 months ago

                IDK comrade tbh you kind of stopped making sense to me here. If you think consciousness is some mystical thing that transcends time, space and matter then you don’t need probability and thermodynamics to believe you’ll live again just embrace the mysticism if it gives you peace.

                • cosecantphi [he/him, they/them]@hexbear.netOP
                  2 months ago

                  I don’t know what consciousness is, but I can be sure mine exists, and yours too probably.

                  But it seems pretty inherently mystical to me considering we can’t even scratch the surface of researching the how and why we have qualia and subjective experience seemingly disconnected from material reality.

                  Idk, I took an edible and wanted to poke Hexbear with the idea, it’s a fun time!

  • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
    2 months ago

    I don’t think given an infinite amount of time the universe would produce an identical me. That’s such a specific combination of matter and chemical processes it just feels silly to assume it would happen. Even if I agreed that it would inevitably happen, I think there’s an implication that a very large number of almost but not quite mes would also come into existence (because if I understand the premise, it’s basically “on a long enough timescale every possible thing will happen”) and frankly that’s more disturbing than ceasing to exist (which, to be clear, is very disturbing to me).

    I’ll also say that a clone of me with my memories is still not me. Such a thing could exist simultaneously with me and it wouldn’t reduce my desire to personally remain alive even slightly, it’s a different guy, but with a lot in common with me.

    2 months ago

    When you die you turn into a turtle in this guy in new jerseys aquarium hes a really cool dude and takes great care of you don’t worry it’ll be a blast. He’s gonna name you Phil.

  • Chapo_is_Red [he/him]
    2 months ago

    What is this “rebirth”? There’ll be many births, perhaps many similar to previous ones, but what makes “re”? Right now, everyday on earth (perhaps on other worlds) there are many births of people who are quite similar to you already, why do they constitute any less a rebirth than someone a thousand billion years from now?

    My lot isn’t with “me” and me being eternal or me reborn. I’m part of the totality.

    • FunkyStuff [he/him]
      2 months ago

      Entropy “reverses” itself literally all the time in micro scales. All entropy means is that the likely states of a system are more likely to occur (when I phrase it that way it sounds redundant to the point of absurdity, but that actually is what it means). If you look at the interface between two identical metal lattices that can exchange electrons, the most likely state is the one where the number of electrons remains the same at both sides of the interface. But at any given time, it’s possible for an imbalance to come about and for there to be a few more electrons in one side of the interface. Larger imbalances are less likely, of course, but it would even be possible for all the electrons to move to one side; there’s no physical law that says that the system has to keep evolving to become more and more disordered, it’s just the most likely thing to occur. For all practical considerations in timespans measured in googol years or less, it’s not worth considering this for macro scale systems. But if you want to entertain the notion that time goes on infinitely, googol is a laughably small number.

      If you like acollieastro’s stuff I think Alpha Phoenix explains the quirks of entropy in a similar way here that you might find to be a better explanation than my comment.

    2 months ago

    We tend to define physical objects in a way that have spatial and temporal boundaries. That means if I point to a particular physical object, you can usually draw a rough border around it, as well as talk about when it came into existence and when it goes away. The boundaries are never really solid and there’s usually some ambiguity to them, but it’s hard to even know what is being talked about without these fuzzy boundaries.

    For example, if I point to a cat and say “that’s a cat,” you generally understand the rough shape of a cat and thus have a rough outline, and this helps you look for where it’s located. If there is a water bowl next to the cat, you immediately know the bowl is not the cat and is not what I’m talking about because it’s not within those borders. These borders are, again, a bit fuzzy, if you zoom up on a microscopic scale it becomes less clear where the cat begins and where it ends, but these fuzzy borders are still important because without them, if I said “look at that cat over there” you could never figure out what I’m talking about because you would have no concept of the border of the cat at all, which is necessary to locate it.

    It is also necessary to our understanding that these boundaries evolve continuously. If a building was demolished, and then a century later someone inspired by it builds another with the same plans, even if it’s in the same location, we would typically not think of it as literally the same building, because they did not exist at the same times, i.e. their temporal boundaries do not overlap as there is a discontinuous gap between them. If a cat is located at one position and then later at another, its boundaries have moved, but this movement is continuous, it’s not as if the cat teleportation from one point to the next.

    But this is precisely why people find the teletransportation paradox difficult to grapple with. What if the cat did teleport from one location to the next such that the original cat is destroyed and its information is used to reconstruct it elsewhere? Is it still the same cat? How we define objects is ultimately arbitrary so you can say either yes or no, but personally I think it’s more consistent to say no.

    Consider if the teleporter succeeded in reconstructing the cat, but due to a malfunction, it failed to destroy the original cat. Now you have two. It seems rather obvious to me that, if this were to occur, what you have is a clone and not the original cat. They are obviously different beings with different perspectives of the world as they would each see out of their own eyes separately. If I cloned myself, I would not see out of my clone’s eyes, so it is clearly not the same object as myself.

    If the teleporter clearly is merely cloning the cat when the destructive process malfunctions, then I do not see a good reason for this to change when the destructive process is functioning correctly. Let’s say the destructive process malfunctions only a little bit so there is a second delay in the destruction, that means two cats exist for a second before one is destroyed. Would the cat that is reconstructed therefore be a clone for one second, then suddenly turn into the original cat after a second has passed? That just seems very bizarre to me.

    It makes more sense to me to say that all a teleporter really does is clone. That means the original object is always destroyed, and the new object created is always a new object. It is not the same object as the original.

    Why do I bring all this up? Because I would be inclined to thus say the person who exists “countless eons” after you died would at best be considered a clone of yourself and not actually yourself. Your temporal boundaries do not overlap, there is no continuous transition from the “you” of the past and the “you” eons later, so they are not the same objects. They are different people.

    Sure, if we assume the universe can exist eternally (a big assumption, but let’s go with it), then if enough time passes, a perfect clone of yourself would be certain to exist. Yet, if we’re assuming the universe can exist for that long, why not also assume the universe is spatially infinite as well? We have no reason to suspect that if you kept traveling in one direction long enough, that you would somehow stop discovering new galaxies. As far as we know, they go on forever.

    Hence, if you kept traveling in one direction far enough, you would also eventually find a perfect clone of yourself, which would actually exist at the same time as you right now. If we were to accept that the clone of yourself in the far future is the same object as you, wouldn’t you not also have to conclude that the clone at a far distance from you is the same object as you? I find this to be rather strange because, again, you do not see out of your clone’s eyes, it’s clearly a different person. I would thus be inclined to say neither are “you.” One does not spatially overlap you (exists in the same time but a different location) and the other does not temporally overlap you (could possibly even exist in the same location, but definitely not at the same time).

    It thus seems more consistent to me to say both are merely clones and thus not the same object. It would be a different person who just so happens to look like you but is not you.

    • cosecantphi [he/him, they/them]@hexbear.netOP
      2 months ago

      Simultaneity is actually not something that exists for objects separated by vast distances in spacetime according to general relativity. That’s why I wasn’t considering a spatial infinity, our observable reality is situated inside a very much spatially finite event horizon.

      We know so little about how consciousness actually works that I’m personally content to say a mere clone of me existing somewhere with my memories is actually me. Shit, even if it doesn’t have my memories! As long as it is close enough to being my mind. Who says the fundamental of subjective experience can’t exist in superpositions just like everything else can.

      I know consciousness can be interrupted without being permanently extinguished because I’ve been under general anaesthesia before.

        2 months ago

        Simultaneity does exist in general relativity, it’s just relative. If your clone doesn’t exist because they lie beyond the observable horizon, well, you can’t observe things in the future either, so what’s the point? My point was that there’s not an obvious reason to say a clone existing at the same time as you is indeed a clone but a clone existing at a different time is actually “you.” To me, it makes more sense to say in both cases they are clones. But you seem to be saying that they are actually both “you”? Even if they exist at the same time? What about in similar locations as well, such as standing next to each other?

        Also, I do not believe in “subjective experience” nor do I believe in “consciousness.” It’s not true that “we know so little about consciousness” because there is nothing to know about “consciousness” as it’s largely a mystical buzzword. There are plenty of things we don’t understand about the human brain, like intelligence, but we are gradually making progress in these fields. “Consciousness” is largely meaningless, though, and so it cannot be studied as there is nothing to even know about it, as it doesn’t refer to anything real.

        I have no idea why you are bringing superposition into this despite it having no relevance here.

        • cosecantphi [he/him, they/them]@hexbear.netOP
          2 months ago

          Simultaneity does exist in general relativity, I didn’t say it didn’t. I said it doesn’t exist for things separated by vast distances in spacetime, and that’s true. There is no simultaneity for two entities separated by an event horizon.

          I don’t know what consciousness, as in qualia and subjective experience are, but they seems pretty real and not a buzzword to me, it’s basically all I can know for sure exists.

          I brought up superposition to explain why I don’t consider two mes to not both be me. Both are experiencing the universe through the processes that go on in my brain, so both are me. My consciousness is the program running in their head (yeah, I get our brains are not similar to computers, I’m just coming up with a metaphor here), why can’t it be in a superposition of two locations if two conscious instances of my brain exist in the same area?

            2 months ago

            Simultaneity does exist in general relativity, I didn’t say it didn’t. I said it doesn’t exist for things separated by vast distances in spacetime, and that’s true. There is no simultaneity for two entities separated by an event horizon.

            Event horizon has to do with black holes which are not relevant here, I am assume you are talking about the cosmological horizon, which nothing in GR prevents you from defining simultaneous events from a particular frame of reference for other events beyond the cosmological horizon. If you do define such events, well, of course you could not perceive something beyond the cosmological horizon, so you might argue it’s “metaphysical” so to speak. But, again, this is also true for something that exists in the future, it also not observable.

            I don’t know what consciousness, as in qualia

            Qualia is just a category of objects. Redness, loudness, etc. All objects are socially constructed norms used to judge reality to be something. There’s nothing special about one set of objects over another, as if objects of qualia require a special explanation that physical objects like trees and cats do not, or mathematical objects like circles and triangles.

            subjective experience

            Experience is not subjective.

            why can’t it be in a superposition of two locations if two conscious instances of my brain exist in the same area?

            Particles have a wavelength associated with them that depends upon their mass caled the de Broglie wavelength and this represents the statistical spread of the position of particles. A superposition of states is really just a list of probability amplitudes presenting the likelihoods of where the particle may show up. If the statistical spread (determined by the de Broglie wavelength) is too narrow then it would be basically impossible to get the object to be noticeably in a superposition of two different locations, while if the statistical spread is very large then it would be very easy.

            The de Broglie wavelength depends upon mass, and gets narrower the more massive an object is. That means for any macroscopic object the statistical spread is just too small to place its position into a superposition of states. Massive objects like a human brain simply cannot be in a superposition of positions with another brain. The closest you could get is to a kind of Schrodinger’s cat type scenario whereby the brain is entangled with another event that determines its trajectory, but I see no physical mechanism that would establish something like this between these two copies of “you.”

            • cosecantphi [he/him, they/them]@hexbear.netOP
              2 months ago

              Hey not here to talk about any of the weird consciousness stuff, just science, came back to this thread because I was interested in what you were saying about relativity. Like aren’t event horizons as found in black holes and the cosmic horizon the same thing?

              It’s my understanding that it’s not possible to synchronize two clocks without bringing them together. And regardless if two clocks are separated by an event horizon (i.e one of them fell into a black hole) or if they’re separated by the cosmic horizon (i.e one is outside the observable universe) they can’t ever be brought together. Doesn’t that mean you can’t meaningfully define a moment in time that is simultaneous for them?

              Like in the case of a clock inside a black hole, that’s in the infinite future of another clock outside the black hole, right?

            • cosecantphi [he/him, they/them]@hexbear.netOP
              2 months ago

              I disagree, experience is very subjective. You can not convey what it feels like to exist with quantifiable data. No amount of information is sufficient to impart the sensation of seeing the color red on another observer without them actually experiencing it.

              I’m saying maybe the consciousness itself briefly exists in a superposition, not the entire mass of the brain. If for some weird happenstance two copies of your mind existed at once, then your consciousness would briefly be in a superposition of two locations. Then this superposition would inevitably and immediately decay as the two minds begin receiving different sensory data.

              You seem to fundamentally disagree that subjective experience even exists, so I’m not sure if you’re still following, but my thinking is that the qualia is in essence literally just the physical system that makes up my brain functioning correctly. So if my brain exists in the universe, a mind similar enough to my own that it experiences the same qualia I’m experiencing now, then I exist and am conscious, regardless if there’s any continuity to the physical body and location I currently inhabit.

                2 months ago

                I disagree, experience is very subjective. You can not convey what it feels like to exist with quantifiable data. No amount of information is sufficient to impart the sensation of seeing the color red on another observer without them actually experiencing it.

                None of this establishes it is subjective in the slightest. The reality we experience just is. Of course it is not equivalent to quantifiable data. If I go see the Shanghai Tower in person, and if I look at a picture or a written description of the Shanghai Tower, of course the real thing is categorically different than the thing in reality. How does that demonstrate the real thing is “subjective”?

                The real thing is not subjective, but it is perspective-dependent. The physical sciences allow us to describe all possible perspectives, as both general relativity and relational quantum mechanics are perspective-dependent theories. But there is a categorical distinction between a description of a perspective and the reality of a perspective.

                No matter how detailed a description of fire becomes, the paper it is written on will not suddenly burst into flames, as if it becomes a real fire. The reality of a thing, and the description of a thing, are always distinctly different. The physical sciences are descriptive, we can describe all possible perspectives, but there is still a categorical distinction between the reality of actually occupying such a perspective.

                It makes no sense to ask how to quantify the reality we experience. It is false to qualify it as well. Reality just is what it is. When we assign quantities and qualities to it, we are moving beyond reality and into interpretation of reality. Reality does have the property that it is capable of being quantified and qualified, but the specific quantities and qualities we choose depends quite a bit on contextual factors and only makes sense in relation to social institutions as all object-labels are socially constructed norms.

                This is, again, true for all objects. There is no reason to separate “the experience of seeing color” from any other experiential realities, such as “the experience of seeing a cat.” Perspectives are defined in terms of physical systems, and so by definition two different physical systems occupy different slices of reality from two different perspectives. The only way to make them share the same perspective would be to make them the same object, which then they would no longer share the same perspective because the original two objects would no longer even exist, definitionally.

                It is just fallacious to jump from reality being perspective-dependent to it being subject-dependent. You have not actually established some fundamental role for subjects here. Again, the physical sciences allow us to describe reality from all possible perspectives of all physical objects, so there is no physical reason to state that reality only exists from human perspectives. If you want to point out the fact that you only occupy the reality of your own perspective and thus cannot actually verify the reality of other perspectives described by the physical sciences, sure, but this is also true of other people. You cannot occupy, as a matter of definition, the perspective of other human beings, so you would be forced to conclude that the slices of reality corresponding to other human perspectives don’t exist, either, i.e. devolving into solipsism.

                Are you a solipsist? I guess I never actually asked.

                I’m saying maybe the consciousness itself briefly exists in a superposition, not the entire mass of the brain.

                If consciousness is a quantifiable object (which is necessary to be in a superposition of states which is a mathematical statement) then you should be able to give me a definition of consciousness I can quantify. You have yet to do so.

                If for some weird happenstance two copies of your mind existed at once, then your consciousness would briefly be in a superposition of two locations.

                You have no mechanism for this to actually occur. You are just devolving into complete quantum mysticism, believing if you abuse terminology from quantum theory then suddenly it gives it legitimacy. It does not.

                Stating that if two identical objects exist simultaneously they would be in a superposition of states is making a very specific quantifiable physical claim which you have not even attempted to explain the possible physical mechanism.

                You seem to fundamentally disagree that subjective experience even exists, so I’m not sure if you’re still following, but my thinking is that the qualia is in essence literally just the physical system that makes up my brain functioning correctly.

                No, qualia is just a category of objects. Things like “redness” or “loudness,” these are socially constructed norms we use to identify aspects of reality in a way that allow us to communicate them to other people. There is nothing special about “qualia” over any other category of objects, such as mathematical objects or physical objects. Experience itself is not a category of objects, it is not “qualia,” nor is it “subjective.” What we experience is just reality as it exists from our own perspective.

                • cosecantphi [he/him, they/them]@hexbear.netOP
                  2 months ago

                  I’m not a solipsist, I’m not an anything -ist, I’ve never seriously studied philosophy, I’m just a person trying to make sense of why I as a collection of atoms just like everything else in this universe have an experience at all. Why is there a feeling to it? “It” is all I can for sure verify, you seem similar to me so I grant you have “it” as well as animals with brains and such. I generalize this further to everything else around us, that surely they too also have an innate feeling of existence, maybe perhaps just one far simpler than the sensations dreamed up by living organisms.

      • QueerCommie [she/her, fae/faer]
        2 months ago

        Shit, even if it doesn’t have my memories! As long as it is close enough to being my mind.

        So you’re most people. Welcome to Aldous Huxley thought. You might like monism tbh.

  • iridaniotter [she/her, she/her]
    2 months ago

    Real question is if a Boltzmann brain can really even exist or if it’s just an antiquated mechanical materialist view on consciousness inconsistent with dialectical materialism.

    • cosecantphi [he/him, they/them]@hexbear.netOP
      2 months ago

      I wasn’t even thinking about the Boltzmann brain scenario, I was just considering the chance that literally everything could reform like this as we take time out to infinity, all slightly different permutations too

    • Philosoraptor [he/him, comrade/them]
      2 months ago

      There’s no physical reason why they can’t, but there are good reasons to think that the punchline of the original thought experiment–that they are overwhelmingly more likely than “regular” brains–isn’t right.

  • starkillerfish [she/her]
    2 months ago

    i feel like whats missing in this discussion is the effect of quantum mechanics on consciousness. there is some research that shows that randomness introduced by quantum particles can affect synapses, and theoretically consciousness. and I think that even on infinite scales you can’t really get the same exact quantum patterns, they will never repeat, or else it wouldn’t really be random.

      • starkillerfish [she/her]
        2 months ago

        for single random events that is true, but you cant consistently get patterns of random events. you cant infinitely flip a coin and get a tail every time.

        • FunkyStuff [he/him]
          2 months ago

          There’s only a finite number of events that would be necessary to make OP’s premise happen (well, except for the consciousness transfer part, I don’t think there’s any rigorous basis for that). If you flip a coin an infinite number of times, you will get any finite sequence of heads and tails an infinite number of times.

  • iie [they/them, he/him]
    2 months ago
    possibly disturbing existentialism

    when that distant mind forms, eons from now, will you experience it? or will it be a clone with your memories?

    what if two identical minds form at the same time, both of which have your memories and thoughts? Which set of eyes will you look out of?

    continuity of consciousness is a strange thing

    in fact, the “two identical minds” example proves nothing, you could be both of them. A consciousness can be split: for example, if you separate the lobes of a person’s brain, put each lobe in a new body, then regrow the missing lobes, you get two people who each can claim they are the original. That person’s life seamlessly branched into two lives without interruption.

    and what about interruption? does it matter? if you delete a person’s atoms for a nanosecond, then restore them, do you have the original or a clone? I doubt we’ll ever know. If consciousness can survive a total interruption, if the same life resumes afterward, then I start to wonder if we are all packets of a single consciousness. On the other hand, if consciousness can’t survive an interruption, then I start to wonder if we are constantly dying from one instant to the next, a series of clones like frames of a film.

    • iridaniotter [she/her, she/her]
      2 months ago

      A consciousness can be split: for example, if you separate the lobes of a person’s brain, put each lobe in a new body, then regrow the missing lobes, you get two people who each can claim they are the original.

      Don’t even need to separate the lobes, let alone create separate bodies for this.

      On the other hand, if consciousness can’t survive an interruption, then I start to wonder if we are constantly dying from one instant to the next, a series of clones like frames of a film.

      Meh, in real life it’s experimentally and experientially identical to consciousness surviving an interruption. This is just like solipsism circle jerking. Use diamat

      • QueerCommie [she/her, fae/faer]
        2 months ago

        Agreed with the use diamat. Everything is constantly changing, constantly dying. Hypothetical idealist arguments are silly, it’s understood by quantum physics.

      • iie [they/them, he/him]
        2 months ago

        Don’t even need to separate the lobes, let alone create separate bodies for this.

        What do you mean by this?

        If you don’t separate the lobes, then you still have a single connected network of neurons, which probably forms a single mass of experience. It’s cool and interesting if you want to question that, I can see some possible lines of argument, but none are obvious enough that you can just gesture at them and people know what you mean.

        Meh, in real life it’s experimentally and experientially identical to consciousness surviving an interruption.

        Experimentally yes, but not experientially. You either experience the next instant or you don’t.

        We’ll probably never know, so there’s no reason to worry about it—although that won’t always stop someone in a bad headspace, hence the spoiler—but if you like thinking about how consciousness works, then the idea inevitably comes up and needs to be acknowledged.

        circle jerking.

        Unfalsifiable does not mean stupid to think about.

        For starters, it’s intrinsically worthwhile to map out the space of possibilities, even if you might never be able to narrow things down within that space. But also, it’s a necessary step if you want to really convince yourself that it is unfalsifiable. You have to actually consider the relevant thought experiments and their ramifications.

        This is just like solipsism circle jerking.

        Unlike solipsism, continuity of consciousness is a question you can actually reason about. You can study the brain, the neurons, the synapses, to see if any physical process looks continuous for the whole brain over time and space. Roger Penrose, for quantum mechanical reasons, thinks experiential consciousness resides in the microtubules, which are cytoskeletal filaments inside the cells of the brain. Others argue pretty strongly that there is nothing special about microtubules. But there’s an actual discussion! Even if it turns out to be unfalsifiable, the discussion itself will have been fruitful because it helped us determine that.

        use diamat — @[email protected]

        Agreed with the use diamat. Everything is constantly changing, constantly dying. Hypothetical idealist arguments are silly, it’s understood by quantum physics. — @[email protected]

        Materialism tells you why things happen, it tells you where thoughts come from, why the brain does what it does, which is great, but continuity of consciousness is a more elusive question, because it has no effect on a person’s brain activity or behavior. A perfect clone with the same memories is indistinguishable from the original, unless you actually track the whereabouts of the original and the clone to prove which one zapped into existence 30 minutes ago.

        Maybe you feel that’s worthless to think about, but we’re already in a thread where OP is thinking about it.

        OP imagines their subjective experience continuing after a prolonged interruption of existence. Dialectical materialism and quantum physics do not readily tell you if that can happen.

        • QueerCommie [she/her, fae/faer]
          2 months ago

          I was under the impression she was referring to dissociation, but I’ll leave that to her.

          For my part, I agree. Sorry I came off as a metaphysical chauvinist or whatever. I’m actually known to speculate openly at length on philosophical topics many find boring, irrelevant, opaque, etc. I am in this thread because I have thoughts on the topic and am interested in the thoughts of others.

          My understanding is that dialectical materialism is a powerful conceptual framework that has its limits when it comes to ontology and other speculative matters. All ways of understanding have their limits, but it’s worth investigating to find the limits. In this case I don’t see any conclusion to be drawn from the scenarios presented and am instead arguing for the Buddhist position of the empty nature of the self based on dialectical materialist epistemology I presume many of us are able to agree upon in some sense and consider. From the basis that the source of all knowledge is practice, experientially we know that all changes and dies, and quantum physics empirically tells us that nothing is the same from one moment to the next. Thus no self essence can be found. This has implications for this contemplation.

          • iie [they/them, he/him]
            2 months ago

            When I say “consciousness,” I mean your subjective experience of being alive and not dead, the difference between a cascade of nerve signals and the experience of biting into an apple. How that arises, no one really knows for sure, which is why it’s called “the hard problem of consciousness.”

            “The self” and “consciousness” are two different things. “The self” might be illusory—or at least, we might put that label on the wrong thing, and then realize it when we detach from that thing during mindfulness meditation, which can be a profound experience—but consciousness is deeper than that. A tardigrade probably has no sense of self, but it almost certainly has some experience of being alive.

            In sci-fi, often you can save a copy of your mind, which can then be loaded into a new body if you die. This is usually conflated with immortality. The question is, would your subjective experience continue in that new body, or would it be a clone with your memories? This is not a semantic question, our definition of self does not factor into this. Subjective experience either continues or it doesn’t.

            A common argument goes like this: the machine that loads your backup into a new body could easily load it into two bodies simultaneously. Which body would your subjective experience resume in? My brain lobes argument counters this by pointing out that consciousness can split: one thread of subjective experience can split into two. So, if your consciousness can resume in one backup, then in theory it could resume in two or more backups at once. This refocuses the question on the importance of interruptions, rather than multiplicity. Can your thread of subjective experience resume after a total interruption? I don’t know. In my original comment, I consider both possibilities.

              2 months ago

              I used to consider myself a dialectical materialist, but I moved away from it because dialectical materialists don’t offer compelling answers to the “hard problem.” After obsessively studying this issue in depth, I’ve become convinced that the “hard problem” results from a flawed philosophical view of reality known as metaphysical realism. The phrase “subjective experience” only makes sense under this framework, where reality is presumed to exist independently of what we perceive.

              Metaphysical realism dominates philosophical discourse, creating a false dichotomy between it and idealism. Bogdanov, unlike Lenin, rejected metaphysical realism by arguing that we directly perceive reality, not a “reflection” of it or some illusion created by the brain. Lenin, by accepting metaphysical realism, incorrectly accused Bogdanov of idealism, failing to grasp that Bogdanov wasn’t claiming reality is created by the mind but that perception is material reality from our frame of reference.

              This is why describing perception as “subjective” only makes sense if you assume there’s an unknowable “thing-in-itself” beyond perception. Thomas Nagel’s argument, in “What is it like to be a Bat?” assumes that objective reality is independent of perspective, but modern physics—relativity and relational quantum mechanics—shows that properties depend on perspective. There is no perspective-independent reality. Therefore, perceiving reality from a particular perspective does not imply that what we perceive is unreal or a product of the mind or “consciousness,” but rather that it is reality as it really is.

              Jocelyn Benoist’s contextual realism replaces the term “subjective” with “contextual.” Experience isn’t subject-dependent (implying it only exists in conscious minds) but context-dependent, meaning it only exists under specific real-world conditions. For example, a cat in abstraction isn’t real, but a cat pointed out in a specific context is. Benoist argues that objects only exist meaningfully within contexts in which they are realized.

              Kant argued that appearances imply a “thing-in-itself” beyond them, but Benoist flips this: if we reject the noumenon, it no longer makes sense to talk about appearances. What we perceive isn’t an “appearance” of something deeper—it just is what it is. This distinction between phenomenon and noumenon collapses, and idealism is rejected as incoherent, as it still insists upon treating perception as phenomenological despite rejecting the very basis of that phenomenology.

              Thus, the “hard problem” is not a genuine issue but an artifact of metaphysical realism. Frameworks like contextual realism (Benoist), empiriomonism (Bogdanov), or weak realism (Rovelli) do not encounter this problem because they reject the premise of an unknowable, hidden reality beyond perception. Dialectical materialists, despite claiming to oppose metaphysics, still cling to metaphysical realism by positing an invisible reality beyond experience. Most tend to make a distinction between “reality” and “reflected reality” whereby only the latter is perceptual. This inevitably leads to contradictions because, if one assumes such a gap exists between reality and what we observe as an a priori premise, they cannot bridge the gap later without contradicting themselves.

              When I first read Dialectics of Nature, I heavily interpreted Engels as actually thinking along these longs. Similarly, Evald Ilyenkov’s Dialectical Logic also discussed how Feuerbach showed the mind-body problem (essentially the same as the “hard problem”) arises only if you assume a gap between perception and reality. Rather than resolving it with argument, you must abandon the premise of such a gap altogether.

              However, I later realized my interpretation was rare. Most dialectical materialists, including Lenin in Materialism and Empirio-Criticism, cling to metaphysical realism, perpetuating the very dualism that creates the “hard problem” in the first place. I am not the first one to point this out, if you read Carlo Rovelli’s Helgoland he has a chapter specifically on the Lenin and Bogdanov disagreement. Honestly, I think dialectical materialism would be far more consistent if they abandoned this gap at its foundations. I mean, you see weird contradictions in some diamat literature where they talk about how things only exist in their “interconnections between other things” but then also defend the thing-in-itself as a meaningful concept, which to me seems to be self-contradictory.

              • QueerCommie [she/her, fae/faer]
                2 months ago

                lea-w This is a great way to put it. MEC is a weird read. Lenin basically admits the kantians were right but says we should act like they aren’t because they aren’t and everyone who says otherwise is a bad idealist.

            • QueerCommie [she/her, fae/faer]
              2 months ago

              I agree. I brought up no self because multiple people in this thread suggested that it could only be “them” if they had the same memories and picked up right where they left off. I find this implausible despite my agnosticism on the question of rebirth. More likely would be the same life lived exactly again from birth like “eternal recurrence” or the widespread idea of samsara where you will simply experience more lives without the memory of past ones (except possibly accessible through meditation).

              The idea that it could only be “them” if they pick up where they left off implies that there is a self or soul that continues from their past through their current circumstances. Buddhists have ideas about general consciousness as well mind you.

              If you are constantly losing this body and mind then maybe those aren’t necessary for continued consciousness. Buddhism posits consciousness like a flame passed from one candle to the next. Each moment contains no essence from the last and yet it is experienced consciously. It’s not all about seeing through identification (though that is what allows that flame to finally cease), non-self also means that everything else is empty. The concept of essences is just [useful] bullshit. Things still exist colloquially, this is just how things have always been if you paid enough attention.

              Thus, I argue that everyone who is willing to consider this question should consider the theory of samsara rather than limiting their thinking with certain fallacious dogmas.

          • Nacarbac [any]
            2 months ago

            Buddhist position of the empty nature of the self based on dialectical materialist epistemology

            I’d be quite interested in any texts along these lines you might recommend.

            • QueerCommie [she/her, fae/faer]
              2 months ago

              If you’re up for podcasts my starting point for Buddhism was revolutionary left radio’s episodes on the overlap. I’ve read a ton on it now, but honestly I haven’t found a better introduction for non-self/anatta, one of the three marks of existence than Daniel Ingram’s Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha. While other parts have helped me experientially understand it more, there are none more essential than this chapter. A 600 page book is a hard sell, but if you like the taste it’s incredible. If you have a solid grasp of dialectical materialism the parallels are obvious and if not I gotta recommend the dialectics deep dive series as well as books Anti-Duhring and the Dialectical Biologist. You may note in the linked passage Ingram explicitly establishes non-materialist philosophical assumptions. That is a pragmatic choice in service of the goal of internal insight and relief from suffering. As Lenin admits in Materialism and Empirio-Criticism, we Marxists make certain materialist assumptions that can not be founded rationally or empirically but are functional in our quest to change the world and relieve external suffering.

              I started with the Ego Tunnel and got bored, but it establishes parallels between science and the doctrine of no-self as well.

              Tell me if you have any more specific questions because I found the initial one a little vague.

  • Catfish [she/her]
    2 months ago

    I’ve actually thought of this exact scenario before and for selfish reasons I hope it’s true, there are many parts of my life I loved and parts that were horribly heartbreaking but I’d do it all again if I could. But that’s just me now, will have to see how I feel later!