Hell of a title
I don’t get it? Hamas was around in the 00s and were already household names in the US. Why would they need a time machine?
Adam’s takes were made in a lab to be the best most correct takes
I will learn nothing. You can’t make me.
Wait I can’t remember is Destiny the trans woman who collabed with or the dipshit who it was hilarious how much hated debating
Riding a bicycle
Dressing up for Halloween
They told me the perfect post doesn’t exist
You should invest your money in NFTs
As mentioned earlier Domenico Losurdo’s Liberalism: A Counter- History is a pretty serious salvo against 17th-19th century liberalism and does indeed talk in great detail about how the veneration of individual property rights was used to oppose any state interference in owning, beating, selling, CW
or killing the humans you own.
Good text, pretty formal in its format but some really great arguments.
Be the change you want to see in the world
Also against rent control and minimum wage increase
Comically evil
Listening to the Chapo election eve live episode with Episode One. It’s crazy how unfunny the Chapo guys are in comparison, kind of similar to their DNC ep with Trueanon they’re just not on the same level
Lmao how long has this been going on for
I think I remember the red Na’vi are a comprador class or something, which would make them the worst of the Na’vi