Bluesky, the same vat of toxic waste with a new label on the tin.

  • FlakesBongler [they/them]
    8 months ago

    It is the year 2046

    Society? In shambles

    Fog machines? Everywhere

    But only by voting for democratic candidate Milton Q. Toaste can we stop President Blood-Tyrant from enacting his plan to steal all the bone marrow from the survivors of the Food Wars and turn himself into a giant unstoppable bone monster

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      8 months ago

      President Bone Tyrant: “Sure, my opponent has accused me of being Nagash, the Great Necromancer, the Great Betrayer, the Usurper, the Undying King, the Supreme Lord of Undeath, but have you considered… rainbows are turning your children gay?”

    8 months ago

    i feel like not voting might actually be more effective for anyone further left than the democrats, if enough of us dont vote the democrats wont win an election until they make themselves worthy of being voted for.

    and if the democrats dont make meaningful changes to their policy and the decline of the amerikkkan empire accelerates under continuous fascist administration, perhaps the degraded material conditions will facilitate a pro gamer moment from the proletariat :big-cool:

    on the other hand, if the left keeps voting for the democrats amerikkkan hegemony will decline more slowly and by the time the material conditions for a pro gamer moment arise domestically it will already be too late, and human civilization will likely collapse under the strain of climate change and unchecked environmental exploitation.

    • PKMKII [none/use name]
      8 months ago

      The problem with this take is that it assumes the leadership of the Democrats actually give a rats ass about winning elections. The people at the top care about two things: staying on top of the party, and keeping the donations rolling in. When they lose, the message to the left is how dare you, but the message to the maybe-later-kiddo normies is, omg the most evil of all evil republicans is in power and democracy is on the line you need to donate now! And they do, and the party bigwigs stay flush with cash. If anything it’s the sort of hyper majority the vote libs fantasize about that scares them the most because then they’d have no excuses for failing to deliver to those that imagine themselves the base.

      Also, accelerationism is a fools gambit, no proletariat gamer moment is going to spring spontaneously into existence if things just get bad enough. Only organization, building alternative power structures, will set the working class up for seizing power.

      • FunkyStuff [he/him]
        8 months ago

        Yep, the only benefit of the degradation of American hegemony is the harm reduction to the imperial periphery. If conditions actually got bad as to cause some sort of coup in the US, it will almost certainly go to some Pentagon ghouls that can appease the boater kulaks.

    • ReadFanon [any, any]
      8 months ago

      I think there’s some power in a protest vote, especially if it outflanks the DNC on its left.

      A non-voter is easily written off by them as being an apolitical or apathetic citizen and it’s less likely that the DNC will chase them.

      A groundswell of votes for 3rd party candidates, even if they’re just for Jill Stein or someone similar, is going to signal to the DNC “Hey, there’s a large and growing contingent of active and engaged voters who are delegitimising your duopoly and you can either chase their votes by pushing left-leaning candidates and policy or you risk getting left behind”. Obviously this is only under the circumstances that there’s an actual groundswell of voters that are large enough to be taken seriously, although that could be as small as like half a percent - elections have been won by narrower margins than that in the past.

      Do I think that this is a sufficient strategy to push someone like Biden left?

      Absolutely not. (But it sure beats Va*sh’s strategy to bully Biden left, which I’m almost certain that he’s going to drop on his followers any day now…)

      Do I think that electoralism is the path to achieving anything?

      Almost certainly not, aside from the potential of maybe getting awareness and mainstream attention on key issues or of delegitimising the entire system of liberal democracy by revealing it for what it is (see: the disillusionment of the historical Bernie Bro).

      But I do believe that if you’re going to put any stock in the act of voting at all, you’d make a better case for a further-left protest vote than you would for a purposeful abstentionism.

      You do you though. Nobody’s gonna be looking over your shoulder when a ballot is under your nose and I’m convinced that voting is pretty insignificant so I don’t think it’s worth spending much time considering or discussing, and it’s certainly not something worth starting a struggle session over (whether online or, Marx forbid, within any actual party/movement).

  • DragonBallZinn [he/him]
    8 months ago
    1. They ARE voting. For Republicans. Can they not get it in their heads that the people generally like the GOP? Do they really think there’s a bunch of non-voters who would vote blue, but would rather grill that day?

    2. You got lucky in 2020 and could have done a bunch of things, but instead you chose to enable the GOP to avoid ‘alienating the working class’ as if yelling “sike” and not even attempting to act on your campaign promises isn’t an act of alienation. Yeah, the GOP are literal devil-worshippers, but they’re devil-worshippers that fully intend to actually act on their evil campaign promises and regularly do.

    Liberals are delusional in their optimism.

      8 months ago

      They ARE voting. For Republicans. Can they not get it in their heads that the people generally like the GOP? Do they really think there’s a bunch of non-voters who would vote blue, but would rather grill that day?

      The GOP have not won a popular vote since Bush, and higher voter turnout correlates with Democrat victory. There is a reason disenfranchisement is such a prevalent Republican strategy. The people who don’t vote are people who would statistically vote Democrat.