Hello users of hexbear, or shall i say chapo.chat, we fucked up, and i fucked up like three times making this post.
Yes, hexbear.net has expired. Yes, we were aware of this possibility. We have gradually lost contact with the access owner (prior admin) for the domain registration. We attempted to make a migration plan, but we were disarmed by the reappearance of the party in question in September 2024 and repeated assurances that they would a) transfer credentials and b) continue payments until they were able to do the former.
We accept full responsibility for this. We should have been more aggressive about this and continued our alternative despite these reassurances. This is our fuck up, and we can’t offer anything besides our continued apologies and our plan of action going forward and an explanation of what happened:
Over the time of chapo.chat and hexbear.net the admins that purchased the domain, established the donation accounts, and the server accounts have left. One of the primary admins has gone inactive and returned many times, over a year ago some of the newer admins began asking the older admins to give full access to the domain, servers, and donations. These requests were not met, despite warnings of this exact event.
At the moment we do not have access to hexbear.net and there is a strong chance we will not get it back without participating in the auction, which is already over $300. Choosing to abandon the hexbear.net domain will cause federation problems and considerable technical issues which would lead to potential extended downtime.
During this downtime we would be reestablishing access to the new domain (or hexbear.net if we win the auction), access to server ownership, and donation accounts. This would be distributed among a number of admins so that we can prevent this from happening again.
Chapo.chat has the same access problem that led to the current state of hexbear.net so it is to be considered temporary.
I will do my best to answer questions
Please reply to this comment with name suggestions in the event we have to change from hexbear.net
Some has already taken it!
Created: 2025-02-11 21:24:22 UTC
Yeah, think an issue with posting names is that it makes it really easy to snipe them
The two I’ve posted, hexbear.zone and hexbear.net.cn I’m already squatting on now
Thank you for your service o7
Spending hundreds of dollars on domain registrations to own the tankies
It was taken by one of us on the mod team, so it’s safe.
Actually not bad
i’m with the folks wanting different variations of hexbear (.zone/.space/.chat/.red)
hexbear.red is awesome actually
redbear.hex actually slaps
unfortunately no hex tld
Yeah, I didn’t think there was, but I liked the idea of it.
redbear.chat then
“Red” also means “net” in Spanish
Cognate with Esperanto reto, Welsh rhwyd, Albanian rrjetë, Catalan ret (meaning “hairnet”), as well as most other Romance languages’ words for “net”, all from Latin rēte. That Latin word is also used in English as the name of a component in an astrolabe, in the name of the Rete algorithm, and as an anatomical term in e.g. rete testis; it is also the root in words like retiform, retiarius, reticle, and every English word that starts with reticu-.
The joy of being an etymology nerd is constantly finding out that serious-seeming words like reticle mean like little net thing.
No matter where I go I can’t escape him
Did we get hexbear.red? It got snapped up today but no one here has mentioned buying it.
Would make it a lot easier for people, who are currently in the dark about current events, finding this place again.
FINALLY! Finally it is time for hereshowberniecanstill.win

Do we not have the other half of the meme? Something we should rectify on the new raebxeh.net
We’re entering the Hexbear Cool Zone
Bearhex.net and we replace the hexagon shaped bears with bear shaped hexagons
Look at this dope ass hexagon
Obvious option would be hexbear with an alternative to .net, like .su or something. Although sometimes .su gets auto flagged as malicious since there isn’t a Soviet Union anymore, idk
we could maybe get a cn or hk domain that may get us unbanned in china
I’m a fan of the rarely used .fun domain for this.
Hexbear.fun would work for the fact that we don’t always take ourselves to seriously and it would also be amusing to see Reddit libs have meltdowns about how evil a website called Hexbear.fun is.
hexbear.lol could also work
True, I like that too.
.su requires a Russian passport AFAIK.
Someone here already registered hexbear.gay that redirects to a community here, if getting access is an option. Fits with the majority of the userbase.
Chuds: Heh I’ll show those stupid hexberians, “hexbear.GAY”
Bear Site Folks: Cool, thank you!
I like it
They tried to take us down but they only made us stronger
I have a friend who is willing to help us get hexbear.su. I don’t have a Russian passport, so the stability will be an issue, but we could get it for the bit. Should I pursue this?
Never mind, I didn’t realize that an Amerikkkan passport works for .su
Lib.rehab was a classic Edit: lol it redirects to lemmy.world
It must be owned by someone here, right?
I think the best option is some variation of hexbear as opposed to a whole new name. The only problem I could see from that is if whoever ends up buying the original domain redirects it to something horrible. Probably wouldn’t want a similar domain name in that instance.
Would it be possible to contact the toots.matapacos.dog people and agree to share a second-level domain with them? So Hextube would become live.matapacos.dog, Hexbear could become… I’m not sure. It could take over matapacos.dog — which is currently just a static image of Matapacos that redirects to readsettlers.org after a few seconds — or Hexbear could take on any number of subdomains under matapacos.dog.
Put simply, with this approach we’d sort of pull a blahaj.zone vs lemmy.blahaj.zone and have two distinct fediverse instances sharing a “brand” without actually being the same site per se. When these two instances already have such close ties, I don’t see why we shouldn’t try to pool more resources, up to and including sharing a second-level domain, right?
…Or maybe this is a terrible idea and I’m just talking out my ass.
this domain name has the same issue that caused the hexbear.net outage
Honeypot. [whatever] would be fun since we van keep the bear motif
some domains available:
I think it would be least friction to just keep the name and change the TLD.
But if not:
i legit think it’s funny to have to change domains again and support the saving of $ on not bidding for the old one. i mean, it blows that this will create extra work for the already voluntary maintainers.
i don’t really have a good suggestion, but it should be something equally inscrutable, cryptic, or possibly even a riff on hexbear like bexhare or hexbeanis. i like the mythology that whenever “things get too hot” the community changes its name to throw off the scent and fool our adversaries. i expect this would be the last name change, but it’s a funny bit especially since the default move is to pretend like the namebrand of any online community is sacrosanct when all it really needs to be is easily memorized and likely pronounceable.
like rizzlen.in or pigmilk.fart
I liked Beanis.Zone and FibonacciBear.net for names that keep going down the inscrutable site name rabbit hole, but think the best and easiest is use the Hexbear.zone that @[email protected] already has and offered for use.
hexbear.chat is a great one too and currently in the lead I think.
Redirects to bluebear.ltd, is this some hexbearian’s site?
Hmm. Hexbeanis.net?
is available and you could make ith.exbear.net
Damn, that’s really good. Lots of fun redirect opportunities like
going to /c/gamesIt’s a shame that you need to post content in the Catalan language to keep a .cat domain.
Otherwise we could have bedtime.cat and every post would be a bedtime cat post.
Does it all have to be in Catalan or can we just have one single Catalan poster that gets the rest of us in?
I think it has to be majority Catalan language or be recommended by an official Catalonian institution for promoting Catalan culture.
outdoor.cat would surely be a noncontroversial name option
side eyes emoji
hexbear dot
link to punchline since some users can’t see emojis
chapo dot chat
Hexbear dot Chat
Hexbear.lgbt is open. $16 right now. Pridelife domains.
With honeybear, honey.tube could be bought for around $100 but the yearly cost will be around $22.
My new favorite one I came up with:
redbear.army (https://chapo.chat/comment/5913908)
Are you a bee?
redbear.armySorry I thought this was a second round, not meaning to post this a 3rd time. Why are all of the comments screwed up?
Hexbear dot io is a bitcoin website btw.
i don’t have a specific name in mind, but what about something to do with orcas?
there is already a lemmy instance orcas.enjoying.yachts
Are we able to use .SU?
exbear.net septbear.chat hexchap.chat
Sent an embarrassing number of DMs offering to donate domain names, but I got some bangers.
Hear me out… icosahedronbear.net
sickobear dot net
onesixone.[domain] would go pretty hard imo
it’s a shame the .baseball domain hasn’t launched yet that would have been kinda funny
reposting my comment here
I genuinely think Hexbear is pretty shit of a name (and always have sorry) especially since we share it with a shitcoin. But tbh if the name is so important to federation, surely we could crowdfund the $300 or whatever the registar’s trying to squeeze out of us for the domain. MutualAid has led me to believe this could work. edit: nevermind I see the auction is now up to $505.00 which is insane but who knows maybe this is one of our comrades doing their part to secure the domain for us!
Chapo.chat will probably be cheaper when it expires so honestly my vote is to reclaim chapo.chat using crowdfunding
BernieCanStillWin.org is my backup vote.
What if we named it after Hank, the rotund female black bear that was posted a couple days ago? Keeps with the bear image, and embraces queer/trans folk.
gejorki.ng, and we just silo all the comms people complain about under