MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]

  • 25 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • Good faith isn’t just about being polite and sounding civil. It’s about actually engaging with other ideas presented. I don’t believe you’ve done that, as evidenced by simply restating the exact same point again and again - vote Biden because he’s better than Trump - across a dozen replies to me and more to others, despite the fact that they’ve articulated why they either don’t agree or reject that extremely narrow framework altogether.

    You seem to be caught in a trap that everything is about a message that would be accepted if only it was articulated correctly; whether that’s me ‘understanding you’ or politicians ‘hearing us’ despite having directly opposing material interests.

    I understand your meaning. I just don’t agree and reject it for the many reasons I’ve stated.

    The rest I’ve addressed elsewhere.

    So continuing in this circular arguement would be pointless at this point since you clearly have nothing new to add. Hence, PigPoopBalls.

  • This is just an endless repetition of the same tired arguements you’ve posted multiple times in this reply alone, never mind the myriad replies to me and others. So I’ll try to strip this down to the simplest core points possible.

    I don’t care who you vote for. Vote whatever and move on. If you’re concerned about the state of the world, pull the lever and then focus your attention on something more productive. Anything more productive.

    We’ve gotten away from it with this distraction, but this original post is about the wholesale criminalisation and incarceration of unhoused people in order to use them for defacto slave labour.

    You’re spending all this time and energy and intellectual effort on gaming out elaborate electoral fantasies like; if only we could get the politicians to hear us, in the right way, at the right time, then they’d change. They won’t. They don’t ‘hear you’ not because of timing or messaging, but because their material interests are entirely in supporting policies like this.

    You’re spending all this effort building an elaborate and doomed philosophy and strategy out of magical thinking and then more trying to get others on board.

    You’d be better off going and handing out toiletries to the homeless, doing mutual aid, literally anything else.

  • This whole repetitive arguement isn’t going anywhere and I don’t believe it’s worth going through every point again when we’re repeating ourselves.

    You keep restating your position - vote for Biden because it’s better than Trump - as though I don’t understand it. I do. As I’ve said many times, I think your focus and insistence on this point and only this point is myopic to the point of being worthless.

    I have no idea what you’re trying achieve here. You don’t seem interested in engaging with ideas beyond your very narrow view. Does your ego just need someone here to tell you that you’re right and they’ll pull the lever for Biden? Are you so conflicted about the shakiness of your rational for doing so that you require some sort of validation? If you’re trolling then you’re not very good at it since you appear more just confused and a little sad than anger inducing. Perhaps you’re looking for some kind of gotcha to post elsewhere for likes? I honestly have no idea.

  • You can vote for whoever you want.

    But you’re coming here asking for a magic bullet to a deeply ingrained problem, on an immediately short timeline, while also dismissing out of hand or waving away any option or arguement presented that doesn’t fall within you own narrow acceptability of ‘just vote for Biden because it’s the lesser of two evils’.

    It’s not a good faith arguement. And I suspect you know that.

    If you’re just going to keep banging your head against this, looking for me or others who have engaged with you to say gosh you’re right, we should get behind Biden then you’re disappointed. Even aside for all the reasons that have been explained to you and you’ve mostly ignored to return to circular electoral logic, there’s also the fact that many people here (myself included) aren’t even American, so couldn’t even if they wanted to.

    If you’re not just arguing for the sake of arguing, then I genuinely implore you to try and read, listen, and expand your horizons because your vision of what is possible and important is so narrow you couldn’t slip a piece of paper through it.