The proposed bill is called the ELON MUSK Act, which stands for Eliminate Looting of Our Nation by Mitigating Unethical State Kleptocracy.
I want to scream. So fucking dumb.
Of all the shitty bill names, I’ll give this one a pass
All the jokes trying to come out of my brain right now:
I’m actually sitting here stunned because with a few words and a picture you managed to sum up my ADHD brain extremely well.
this is literally all they do - come up with backronyms
that is the job of a politician in the great satan
More like
EliminateLooting of Our Nation byMitigatingUnethical State KleptocracyLONUSK
Encouraging Looting of Our Nation by Moronic and Unethical State Kleptocracy
this is so fucking ableist. he’s autistic. he can’t help it if he breaks the law and just so happens to greatly profit off it. imagine you were born with self-diagnosed aspergers to an extremely wealthy family in apartheid south africa and tell me you wouldn’t do exactly what he did. especially considering he simply doesn’t know better due to his autism
self-diagnosis is valid except for elon musk. you’ve heard of autistic peer review, we’re doing autistic retraction
The proposed bill is called the ELON MUSK Act, which stands for Eliminate Looting of Our Nation by Mitigating Unethical State Kleptocracy.
Such a deeply unserious country
Fucking Kids Next Door ass congress. All they know is make acronym, eat hot chip and take bribes.
make acronym
They couldn’t just refer to it as the Elon Musk act because it was aimed specifically at him. No, gotta come up with a dumbass fucking acronym. The world superpower, ladies and gentlemen.
but of course, days before the election, mark thought it was appropriate to get belligerent on camera in a factually wrong defense of genocide. good stuff. in one of the safest seats in the country i might add.
Naming in such a ridiculous and combative way makes it easier to vote against and dismiss it.
they literally are just banning any and all minorities from the government
I bet if we make it even more illegal they’ll stop breaking laws without consequences
this is never going to work, they need to get a friendly general to blast him
Wouldn’t this be one of them “bill of attainder” things, like the tiktok ban except the courts might actually care?