Worked a lot as a child and barely played. Missed out on lots of personality development. I have more free time now and I want to play, but I don’t totally understand how.

I was told when I have something fun to do, learn to fail the marshmallow test and just immediately eat the marshmallow. I feel paralyzed. I’m used to playing only if I’m invited by someone else to play, and I want to play more when I’m alone.

So far I sometimes draw and read a fun book. Both usually make me anxious, but they bring me feelings of accomplishment.

    8 months ago

    If you are up to downloading an emulator (trust me, many guides exist and even a dumb dumb like myself figured it out) is easy and let’s you play many ps2 games.

    I say this because Katamari Damacy is a ps2 game that’s very much a colorful pretty calm game with a simple yet addictive gameplay loop.

    There are themes and stuff to dive into, but the the core of it very calming and interesting to look at it (also the music is good vibes).