The economy has been crashing more and more as time goes on but Trump’s plans sounds like they’ll push things into new a level.
The economy has been crashing more and more as time goes on but Trump’s plans sounds like they’ll push things into new a level.
I somewhat agree with a lot of people who are pointing out that there probably won’t be a significant increase in deportations or Tariffs due to American capitalism reliance on undocumented labor and the potential devastating economic impact.
I worry though that we vastly underestimate how ideologically driven this party is. A lot of us didn’t think they’d actually go the full distance of overturning roe v wade either because it was a bridge too far…and now look at where we are. A lot of people underestimated the Nazi’s commitment also. It might be pragmatic at this point to assume they actually mean it.
there is a strongly ideological, driven core pushing this admin forward vs. the unprepared choatic group that entered last time into an already establish bureaucracy
trump is old and checked out. he’s just there to do his usual thing and sign paperwork.
they’re going to seize this moment. it’s like a sick parody of a Vanguard party
From my point of view Roe v Wade was undermined under a democrat. Deportation, genocide, and economic collapse were the 2025 outcome period. “The Republicans won’t do shit” wasn’t the reason voting seemed useless to me. I think there’s room to speculate that the speed at which trans people get persecuted changed if you blindly voted for anyone with a D next to their name (I don’t see Kamala going to bat for trans people if the house and senate proposed this anyway, and with friends like
who needs enemies), but by and large it feels like business as usual only stupider.
Maybe I don’t understand your sentiment though. I took them at their word that they believed video game characters were becoming less fuckable, police weren’t getting enough praise, and their economic outcomes were becoming worse.
I don’t think roe v wade was purely vindictive though. Look at how up in arms the bourgeoisie seems to be getting about “fertility rates” and the like. There was a capitalist logic there, whereas substantially increasing deportations doesn’t seem to have any real capitalist logic. Trump bent to the farmers in his first admin wrt NAFTA, he’ll likely do the same again
Theres something about the Roe v Wade decision that I dont think enough people to grasp; it was already hollowed out time after time after time, in many of the states where abortion had already been persecuted, it didnt have to go much further. Many of the states had already essentially made abortion fundamentally illegal, and the states that already had adequate abortion protections kept them. Roe V Wade was a small step, it unfortunately wasnt a big deal.
That kinda buttresses my point though, no? Abortion was functionally banned already in a lot of the anti abortion states such that it didn’t really matter whether or not roe v Wade stood. In fact it being left basically intact would have been smart politics because it would have helped diffuse a leftwing backlash while still accomplishing the same goal basically.
…but that wasn’t enough. They overturned it outright because the base and their ideology demanded it, the consequences be damned. I think we would do well to remember that when speculating about how far they’re actually willing to go.
I think were both on different sides of the same dialectical reasoning, I wasnt refuting your point: I’m saying it wasnt a big ask ideologically because functionally, materially, it was already reality and I think what youre saying is that it was a big ask because while it was already reality it was still a shibboleth.
But I also think there wasnt really any consequences to be damned. We already know how far theyre willing to go, theyll do anything for material impact, shibboleths be damned.