[I’m new to c/chat so please remove the post if it isn’t fitting for the community. I didn’t know where else to post and will gladly move this one if necessary.]
I don’t want this to be a long-ass rant, but I gotta air my frustration as I’m (as of now) spending new year’s eve alone.
2024 was a shit year, both personally - for a ton of reasons - as well as gestures around you know exactly what I mean. I’ve been looking for work ever since last year, and that is an absolutely shitty position to be in atm. You know the drill, nobody will hire anyone without work experience but nobody will let you get any experience with pay or at all if you’re no longer enrolled in college. So I’ve been applying to whatever I could get, roughly in the direction of what I’ve been studying, but there’s just no positive feedback. Either it’s formulaic “sorry to inform you but…” or “found someone better suited to the position” etc etc.
If you do this long enough, it just becomes a hopelessly worthless routine, and none of your applications feel like they led to anything. So naturally, you complain to family and friends, because hey, those are people who would support you in your time of need, or so you’d think. I’ve learned the hard lesson on family multiple times already, so it came as no surprise when an aunt told me to “just do the job you were trained for”. There’s nothing to get there, auntie, at least not if I want to make rent and pay for food, duh. Second thing that pissed me of royally was extended family tonight. Talking around the dinner table about how this year dragged on forever, I was told that it’s no surprise I feel that way, because “if you were doing something, time would pass quicker”.
Safe to say, I removed myself from the room immediately and hope I can avoid the lot until at least tomorrow morning. Friends aren’t really helpful either because they got a job through “friends of the family” or aren’t looking for work (yet).
Anyway, I’m typing this because I didn’t want to feel alone on New Year’s Eve with my sensation of being bullied for not having a job and not having someone to talk to. I hope someone understands.
Edit: You guys have really made me feel a lot less shit with your comments, thank you <3
So many boomers think that folks can just go out and get a job, any job, that will pay them a comfortable wage with health insurance and everything. Like duh if that was real everyone would just go do that. They think we’re so stupid because “why don’t you just work!” Like holy shit why didn’t we think of that! Wow! They have zero idea how the world is anymore, if it ever even was that way. It’s so ridiculous and demeaning.
Yes, exactly, it’s just hilarious how many older people, not just boomers, believe this shit. None of the jobs I have applied for since graduation are jobs that I actually want, but I’ve managed to write some of the most stellar letters of application I’ve ever thought possible, so it’s not like I’m not learning how to lie in my niche of corporate language. But just knowing how to say the right things doesn’t get you a job. It never has. And if you don’t have anyone “influential” to back you up, your labor amounts to nothing. And then you get shamed for it, as if you didn’t put fucking effort into doing something that is mandatory but its outcome is arbitrary. God I wanna puke.
How about a fuckin federal job guarantee
Sign me up
In renewable energy, public housing, public health, or some other non-murderous field, right?
Honestly I would start with just cleaning and fixing shit
Housing also an urgent priority
Based. I have no idea why this is opposed at all.