Mushroom sauce

  • Say what you will about dead-motherfucker, but at least he recognized the same material reality as you and I. Biden and his ghouls genuinely do not seem to comprehend the world they exist in. They’re fucking dumb, just absolutely stupid as shit, on top of being evil snd incredibly racist.

      2 months ago

      Yeah. I write my (perhaps) too long rants on my phone. Usually by about half of what I wrote above my hand is cramping.

      I was gonna mention something like “They used to understand material analysis. They actually understood the arguments the Soviets, et al. were making. They didn’t agree, but they knew it was important to do the work and understand their “enemies.””

      Now days they just rely on there not being anti-capitalist propaganda pumped from anywhere. It’s just a given that “USSR was bad and evil and also it was always doomed. US and western style bourgeois democracy and capitalism is the only way. Do not read further. We will just tell you it’s dumb and bad and you are dumb and bad if you even entertain the idea of socialism or communism.”

      It’s an unfortunately pretty effective strategy. Most people in the US anyway have zero, and I do mean zero, factual knowledge about the USSR. They don’t know anything about China. They probably can’t even explain what capitalism is or socialism in basic terms. Everything is multiple layers deep in mysticism around the economy and how things work. Not that it was ever perfect in the past. It’s just… really bad now.