• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • (Not being overly contentious here. Please don’t read it that way)

    Many plant species, as the above poster alluded to, are at least as “sentient” as an oyster or other “lower order” animals. They respond to stimuli, etc.

    There’s also fungi. Again I could make a very compelling argument that many fungi are at least parallel with animals such as oysters on the scale of sentience.

    Dietary reasons are one thing, I just mean on the side of “I don’t want to eat an animal” how many people would say that but never object to eating mushrooms?

    Is there a diet that clearly defines acceptable animals to eat based on perceived sentience? This would probably be my strongest argument against strict veganism. It’s possible to be a non-vegan who eats animals like oysters, maybe snails, maybe even insects. Kinda spirals into “here’s a small book I wrote on what animals I’ve personally deemed ok to eat” but I think the overall point is clear hopefully.

  • “We’ll simply continue to do nothing even though we hold the executive office, and if we just keep sternly telling the Republicans that this is wrong and bad they will eventually stop!”

    Imagine if Lincoln, after the confederate states declared their independence from the United States, had just said “gosh darn gee wilikers! There’s nothing I can do because it would be mean and make me an authoritarian tankie!”

    There are times to play by the rules and there are times to give up the delusion that both sides are even pretending there are rules and that time came decades ago. I also believe in judging people by their actions rather than rhetoric and cheap talk. Trump has talked the talked and walked the walk as far as he could. I believe him. Biden says he opposes trump, yet does absolutely fucking nothing to stop him when he holds all the power. My own internal logic forces me to see that these two people aren’t on opposite sides of anything… their disagreements amount to more of inner party squabbling than anything substantive.

    All I know is Biden has about 5 months left before Trump might win the election in which he could sign an EO declaring the Trump admin including the president himself to be terrorists and then have them taken out. If he and the dems really really really believe all the shit they say will happen will actually happen, well, you’ve run out the clock on institutional power stopping him. The institutions just said he did nothing wrong and never can effectively. But they also said it about you, Joey. You’re also 8000 years old. Just do it.

  • Basically they’ll just blame “the left” (reminder that the left essentially doesn’t exist in the US. Certainly it has no political power. There are like 5 vaguely socdem people in congress and that’s it)

    There has been an ongoing McCarthyite anti-communism or really just anti-left hegemony since the last Red Scare that has only recently in the last ~10 years started to fracture even in the slightest where it has become acceptable in non-MSM to discuss obvious concepts like the adversarial relationship between labor and owner classes. This simultaneously scares all the olds and, strong Venn diagram overlap (shoutout Kamala she loves Venn diagrams) infuriates them.

    There’s absolutely going to be more and more overt oppression to anything “left.” “No more Marxist studies?” One might be tempted to think… nah. Remember the liberals, reactionaries they are, consider everything on that list to be “left.” The republicans/far right liberals have already begun this strong overt McCarthy revival in earnest and recently on the issue of Zionism and its utter rejection by younger Americans the democrats/liberals have thrown out any and all notion of having tolerance for any sort of left movements or even leftist study, thought, etc. And to them, one can’t forget, non-“Western” aka non-white centric thought, non-USA dominant thought, etc. in that vein, is “leftist thought” that more and more are simply saying “no more” to.

    The far right in the US has totally and fully taken over the window of acceptable discourse, again seen most recently regarding Israel and Palestine, and the resolution to this will be more and more harsh state pressure placed on people who continue to not simply shut the fuck up about the evils of empire. They’ll all be called “the left” and all actions seen as necessary to shut them up will be employed… by people with D or R after their names.

    The outcome could be a full unification of all the vaguely-left movements and sort of a “Castro being forced to go commie” moment… but, the more likely outcome considering the current political miseducation situation in the US and the lack of any socialist, communist, or even leftist anarchist substantial organization is mass (further) oppression based on identities you listed, strict outlawing or other subduing of all leftist discourse (or anything close: labor unions banned from discussing real, actual labor dynamics), etc.

    In short, massive purges, crushing all budding organization, similar to the past but because there doesn’t really exist the organization that had existed in the past (black panthers, etc.) to be crushed, the crushing will be much more random-seeming, more broadly applied, what is seen or deemed of “the left” will be a wide wide net and has all the potential to just spiral in straight mass hysteria of “Chinese infiltration!”

    I hope all of that doesn’t happen, but at this point what other direction seems possible and probable… the only question is the timeline of events.

    In the most short: we’re fucked. This isn’t dooming, I see potential ways out and we should be pushing for whatever holds off the worst excesses of liberal hysteria, it’s just the way things are going. I wish it weren’t true, I wish we had a solid core of dedicated would-be soldiers in the future protracted people’s war… but that’s just wishing and dreaming.

  • Why not both 🤷

    Biden is the “liberal Zionist” option that is “critical of the extremists like Bibi! But still supports Israel!”

    Trump is the “uh, I have no idea wtf those whacky Jews are doing, and I don’t care. Jared, figure that shit out. I don’t want to hear about it again” insane dumbass that will cause essentially the same result as Biden in the end, but somehow more unhinged (which does seem impossible, but I have all the faith in Trump to be more unhinged).

    Either way, whoever wins, Zionists are winning. Well, I personally think they’re losing (or have lost) long term, but they will be getting a president who will support them without question basically.

  • Yeah, I didn’t really mean they did this fully on purpose, although it reads that way, I just meant like whatever they were doing obviously imploded immediately (maybe the meth serum was off) and the CNN producers/talking heads (and across the DNC broadly) immediately jumped into “replace him!” mode. Now that Biden, his team, and other high up dems have seemingly squashed this easy way out for them, they’ll probably just see if they get a passable second debate and then do what I was saying.

    And just to be clear, I don’t think this was all pre-orchestrated. I think many of these CNN types were delusional and then when they saw his performance totally unedited and live, they said “well, obviously that’s a fucking wrap!” But since they’re such cucks to power when Biden and others said he will remain they just immediately backed down like “oh, sorry, we’re still rooting for Joe!” And next debate, if he does a passable job, will be their reason to say he still has it, they judged too early, etc.

  • Imagine being so annoying while claiming to be the son of god that everyone is eventually like “ok, can we fucking crucify this guy already?” then the motherfucker (literally, god fucked mary, and Jesus is god… 🤨) has the audacity to be like “it’s ok, my friends. I will die for your sins!” That would be enough for me to be the guy begging the Roman soldiers to stab him in the liver or something to cause additional pain.

  • I also self-deluded myself into believing Cato was the not the inspiration for that name…

    Wasn’t Cato the insanely misogynistic dumb fuck (even by Roman standards) that would always whine about women existing and then demand Carthage be destroyed (eventually, famously, this happened)

    Guy was a total shitter and asshole. A legendary one that is remembered thousands of years later for his insane rants.

  • Obama is basically Jesus to liberals. If he would have said fuck the POTUS term limits amendment and just ran anyway we may well be voting him in for his 5th term… he’s incredibly popular despite doing essentially nothing of value. His Iran negotiations got undermined by Trump literally day one. The ACA (Obamacare) was always dogshit, and has only been further made into dogshit by the courts with zero meaningful pushback from Biden ie telling the courts to suck him which he should always be doing for good stuff… but only does for bad stuff. Like sending bombs and then ignoring all the human rights organizations reporting massive violations constantly.

    But anyway, yeah, politicians like Biden run on how many dollars they can raise when campaigning. Biden does ok on that front, obviously Zionists will be dumping money on him, but Barrack and Michelle can raise so fucking much cash and they collectively hold a special almost Hollywood level of celebrity in the eyes of liberals. I wouldn’t say his word is the word of god necessarily, but he holds incredible sway (along with Bill Clinton somefuckinghow) as far as being like a false promise of turning back the clock to 2008… god, what Americans would give to just turn back the clock. Vote Biden ™️ Hey, Obama is a guy! Pretend it’s 2008. Everything is fine.