It is with mods but with a general “faction/government” overhaul for every ethic (and some more as you can see at the bottom). but I had no idea there were trots when running a “dictatorial” collectivist nation. Neat!
Zoomed in incase it is small on desktop:
Time to research the Galactic Ice Pick crisis
Part of the mod is neat in the sense I can set my trading policy to amenities creation and still make commercial pacts with megacorps. Basically, they get nothing from me besides some consumer goods (which I have tons of) and I get energy and amenities.
Is this a Chinese mod? I remember playing with a mod that added a TON of ethics and civics with a bunch of communist/socialist options.
I’m not quite sure! It’s called Ethics and Civics the one that adds all the ethics at the bottom, with a few comp patches/Bug Branch added as well. My entire list is about 62 mods, so it’s hard sometimes to tell which is doing what hehe.
From what I can remember the major ones was a 1000+ component addon, planet modifier mod, gigastructures, expanded UI, expanded ascensions, expanded techs, real space, etc.
Could you maybe do a thread with your fave 5-10 mod recommendations ? Im pretty sure we have more than a dozen of stellaris fans on hexbear. (only if its not a hassle…no pressure)
Sure! I’ll just make a top 10 and then have a mod-list copied down for those interested. Will take a bit of time to do though as Stellaris launcher doesn’t have a way to just copy and paste sadly.
Every single government overhaul mod I’ve seen in stellaris really reeks of western leftist “no bedtimes, no dictators” kind of “anarchism”, which usually gives massive penalties to “authoritarian” governments, and has “freedom” or “egalitarian” based governments get super overpowered.
From the mods I have it’s particularly the opposite. Egalitarian/free empires struggle deeply with ideological struggles as they have the ability to spawn factions that are against the type of “ruling governance”. Lots of interstellar conflicts will inflict peaceful ethics attraction, a war will invoke authoritarian/militarist ethics attraction, inequality will invoke cooperatist(collectivist) ethics attraction while being near megacorps will invoke a competitive one (which is neat because as a collective empire you have to fight off the capitalists trying to inflitrate your society!). One of the bonuses of added civics like that is far, far more nuance in governance and politics.
Authoritarian governments like I’m playing (a Proletarian Regime) don’t have this problem but their factions are harder to get approval for/have more nuanced points and tend to want to be on your council which can be problematic for 40-50% approval rates like this one.
In this case, the yellow “bullets” don’t actually affect faction approval in the sense that it doesn’t boost it nor hurt it. “Syndicalism” is in yellow because I have labor unions in a collective congress that decides on a “Chair of Stars” to lead the party. If I didn’t have the labor unions civic, It’d likely be red. Their other issues are relatively unaddressable until later game, to where I can adjust nutrition levels and living standards for my people.
That sounds much better than what I’ve seen, it’s the Ethics and Civics mod, right? I’ll have to look it up. The government system in the base game is not a lot of fun, I usually play hive minds to just avoid most of it.
I made a mod-list here! It’s not only ethics and civics classic but the bug branch as well! As well as a few other mods that add govs/policies/etc