“No need for bombs when hate will do” ~ Ulysses

  • 84 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 3rd, 2024


  • https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/05/what-homeowners-need-to-know-as-insurers-leave-high-risk-climate-areas.html

    This happened in 2023. Some people who had fire insurance before were suddenly left with very limited options; some far out of their price range in a city that already has an incredible COL and competitive labor market. Where does financial literacy come into this at all? A lot of people stay in these areas because they are affordable and they have a good job for the area that they are complete with transportation infrastructure. You were correct on your second assumption though, they refused to insure new homes in certain areas past 2023.

    People are going to become increasingly more fucked because this is the beginning of climate change. More and more will change. Not just here, but globally where far more people will straight up die because of it. It’s just hitting in the core especially hard right now.

    Also; losing your home and your belongings in a fire is a pretty fucked position to be in. Even with a decent savings it’s a lot to plan for, expensive and insurance will try to fuck you any way they can. People are shooting insurance executives here.

  • That got me; I actually was doing some research on the area and I noticed a huge amount of warehouses. In a country that never “deindustrialized” I’d feel like Newark would have become even more of a major hub for steel/industry logistics, shipping, etc.

    There’s more than just warehouses, it’s just what it was known for along the stretch of the 95. Nowadays, they are controlled by raiders with motorbikes as what’s left of the 95 is used for tolls, extortion and thefts as a major amount of traffic comes from NYC outwards. There’s also an airport! It’s still shitty.

    The airport I wanted to have a BOS enclave!

  • Cyberpunk AND vtm? Shit are you my alter-ego? I run the same thing(s), well, VTM right now.

    Escape from New York sounds like a great overall goal, but ultimately I feel like there will be some “boggage” as one would put it, so I plan to have a way around that! I will take “The Warriors” movie recommendation to heart. “Dilapidated-but-alive” isn’t quite what I’m going for. More so the ruins of a massive city that was the epitome of wealth and symbol of pure greed brought down entirely to rubble. A massive, threaded metropolis overran by ghouls and mutants, of course.

    Jersey is a series of massive irradiated warehouses that supplied multiple materials to the various manufacturing sectors that existed in Newark. You were correct on the crater and metro system; of course that would play a significant part. That is where couple groups of “raiders” hang out. There are numerous vaults that exist in NYC; with two sealing 6 minutes before the launches.

    Not too far off! I am using Beyond and Mick Harvey hehe