“No need for bombs when hate will do” ~ Ulysses

  • 36 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 3rd, 2024


  • Generally, from what I’ve seen; the biggest issue is not “the kids aren’t reading hemingway!!!” because, actually, in my high-school; a good chunk of students were given the “classics” as assigned reading in English, as well as some other ones like Hatchet and such. Neighboring school districts had different ones, but same principle. This was city, as well; so I am not sure if the bougies cut out classics elsewhere or if the city I had just had a ton of donated books. People my age also just prefer to read more short-form content.

    That is sort of a thing I notice though. Attention-spans are being fucking shot. This isn’t even unique to Gen Z; I know boomers, X, etc who will sit on their phone and just scroll and scroll. Hell, I do it sometimes; how else do I get dank lefty memes?

    A good chunk of people can retain their spans, I can still read Dune or watch a 3 hour video without losing attention. However, I worry more for children who are being handed a tablet as a form of “here kid, get outta my hair”.

  • Yeah; I’d say X’s take the cake for that bullshit. At least a good chunk of Z is interested in politics; either it be subtly or just general grassroots activism. X was a bunch of apathetic, depressive assholes who completely caved in the second they got any power or money. is this the case for all X? No. I don’t believe in clear generational differences.

    Millenials get a lot of shit; but in my opinion, they have gotten that power and money and there’s been a good few of them who maintain their humanity/morality in a fucked up system. X came after the boomers and wanted a piece no matter what they had to sacrifice to get it. I’m a Z.

    X literally grew up in one of the most hedonistic, individualistic eras of American history. Drugs, rock n roll and women were being commercialized and commodified in some excessive ways for the first time.

  • In addition to what others said; I’ve always thought all the released footage, pictures, etc from hearings and actual government sources was a way of the U.S to flex it’s covert weapons/air programs. Civilians could never hope to access that information and get told only what they want to hear by intelligence-connected folks and other nations get to wonder either or not it’s actually U.S tech. Another person made as point that it requires immense energy to travel interstellar distances. All the footage we’ve seen of “UFOs” have been on Earth, not in space or in satellite detection.

    There was a thread a while back that asked if the U.S would beat China in direct conflict. Barring nukes, I do still think China would be successful in the long run; but we’d see some insanely ghoulish shit right out of trillion dollar laboratories and whatever horrible shit is in the Pandora’s box of the M.I.C that they’re flexing right in front of us through Jet-fighter footage.

    At a job I worked a long time ago, I had a supervisor who was a polejockey in the D.I.A. He was extremely, extremely tight-lipped on everything. The only thing he ever told me is that America had a vast (he heavily emphasized “vast”), sprawling complex of underground railroads and loading stations built during the Cold War in order to mask deployments or military loads from satellites or espionage. Doesn’t mean they still wont use above-ground railroads; it’s just how they hide a lot of more sensitive things.

    So with that infrastructure in mind, the trillions of dollars that have been siphoned out of the Pentagon and the relative power of the M.I.C and intelligence community; I don’t doubt for one bit that 90% of what we see is just the U.S flexing their super-expensive toys.

  • Or…organize and consolidate power amongst the people around you.

    A good chunk of us participate in autonomy; growing our own food, going vegan, not participating in blatant consumerism and monopolized economy. There’s also quite a few posts that have been…removed… for talking about “revolutionary actions”. You can think about it for maybe two seconds if you pull those brain-cells together why that might be. HMMMMMMM.

    But yeah, thought-terminating cliché is the typical response of your kind when confronted with actual agitative ideals. It results in a sort of cognitive dissonance you have where that in order to be a revolutionary you gotta go full Uncle Ted or you’re just a illegitimate who doesn’t VOOOOOOTE for your bullshit genocidaires.