Stuff has been getting REAAAAALY expensive lately in my europoor nation, like I could get a buncha snacks with 5€, but then we had to sanction Russia and fuck everything up and so now I can’t get shit with that. So basically, how do I shoplift? There are like a bazillion cameras covering every aisle in my local shop and I’m confused as to how not to get caught stuffing my bag full of stuff?

  • Awoo [she/her]
    6 months ago

    Back in my shoplifting days I didn’t care about the cameras. They’re there but it doesn’t mean someone is watching you, what matters is not being physically stopped. Most of what I did was robbing extra stuff from the supermarket while buying other things. If they’re onto you they would send someone to tail you around the shop who’d stand at the end of the aisle and lurk glaring at you. Self checkout is the easiest, since you look totally normal carrying around stuff to go to self checkout. If you learn to keep an item you’re not paying for off the scales (most have a starting scale and ending scale) you can just not ring it through.

    If you look like you have other shopping with you then you can just drop stuff in your other shopping bags.

    • keepcarrot [she/her]
      6 months ago

      I used to just leave stuff I was stealing underneath my shopping bags I was loading other wares into (in the trolley). The self-checkouts make it inconvenient to try to have your own bags on the scales anyway.

    • Dr. JenkemA
      6 months ago

      Don’t use credit/debit if you’re taking some extra items through self checkout. Be sure to only use cash. Also, most self checkout have cameras, so make sure you give them a good performance when you accidentally forget to scan an item or two.

      • EmoThugInMyPhase [he/him]
        6 months ago

        Most grocery stores will offer plastic bags at the groceries aisle for you to bag tomatoes, apples, etc. If you wrap them well enough, they won’t show up on the camera. If you get marked due to weight discrepancy, 99% of the time the front end worker probably has to watch 2-3 lanes bu themselves and don’t have time to play hero because 5 other people got their self checkout locked with false positives.