Dr. Jenkem

hacker / leftist / shitposter

Mastodon: @[email protected]

Matrix: @drjenkem:matrix.org

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • Tbh, I doubt it. NSA probably gives the exploits to Cellebrite who then packages it as a tool easy enough to be used by a barely tech-literate cop. And even if that’s not how it works, the American IC does hire hackers that can find 0days or can reverse engineer Cellebrite tooling. Or the company can always be acquired by a silicon valley ghoul like Peter Thiel.

    Above all else, Israel is a valuable forward operating base for our neo-imperialist foreign policy agenda. I highly doubt we’re funding the genocide to keep Cellebrite afloat.

  • Oh 100%. Definitely the most addictive drug I listed. I make a point not to save the phone numbers of any coke dealers. I try to keep it to ~4 times a year (usually less tbh).

    And psychedelics can have bad effects, especially for folks who have a family history of schizophrenia or bi-polar disorder. And don’t over use these either as it can lead to HPPD.

    And MDMA can mess with your brain chemistry, it’s best to keep use to around once every 3 months I think.

    Overdoing Ketamine can cause kidney issues.

    Be smart folks and do your research! And if available to you, get some fentanyl test strips and test your shit!

  • You’re right, I’m not a Democrat. I’m a socialist and anti-fascist. My interest right now is seeing the fascist lose. I don’t see a path for Biden to win.

    Biden shouldn’t have run again. The Dems should have primaried him. If they had, all of this would have been apparent long ago, but instead his aids have tightly controlled his media appearances for months to hide his cognitive decline from everyone except those playing close attention.

    It only gets worse for Biden from here. He is at both his floor and ceiling, he has the “vote blue no matter who” and that’s it.

    There is definitely risk in running Kamala or someone else at the top of the ticket. They might lose anyways. But any other Dem would start approximately at Biden’s spot in the polls and then have numerous paths to get where we need to beat Trump.

  • Dr. JenkemAtoMemes@lemmy.mlcouldn't be me
    6 days ago

    So it couldn’t possibly be a thing that ALWAYS happens right? Because if it was, then you would have this problem with your friends.

    This is starting to sound like the strawman fallacy. You’re mad at an imaginary trans person, one that doesn’t exist, but rather constructed by… transphobes…

  • Dr. JenkemAtoMemes@lemmy.mlcouldn't be me
    7 days ago

    the problem with this meme is that the 👍is never the answer the comunity gives. They are indeed always very angry and are usually the first ones to say “transphobic”.

    ALWAYS angry? Meaning your friends call you transphobic for not having sex with them? They’re NEVER cool with people’s preferences? Your friends sound toxic as hell, I’ve never had that experience with my trans friends.

  • Primaries in many states are closed, meaning only people registered with the party can vote in the primary. So in 2016 if you were registered independent but wanted to vote for Bernie in the primaries you would have to change your party registration before the primary. At least in many or most states. Some states have open primaries in which case you request either the Dem or Republican ballot.