I open up my textbook to read chapter one and what do I find? Is this the great replacement theory within the first 10 pages? Sure looks like it!
Also bonus advocating for countering “radical islamist groups” by “military and ideological means”
I haven’t gotten a good feel for this prof but we are not off to a good start
Edit: Looks like I pirated the wrong text or something, I found the one my prof wants us to use and it’s very different. Not sure why the two editions are so dramatically different but I’m still keeping an eye out for any fash shit
sounds cool, what’s the name of the book that doesn’t have the fash shit in it?
They’re both copies of In God’s Path by Robert Hoyland, the 2015 edition seems like a fairly normal academic text (so far) while the 2021 PDF I pirated is full on
to the extent they barely resemble each other
I wonder what the story is with that.