1. Why does China, a socialist country, have mega corporations like Tencent and Bytedance? Are they collectively owned by syndicates or unions? If this is a transitionary phase to socialism, can we trust China to actually enforce Socialism after this stage ends?
  2. Child Labor in factories: Myth or Fact? I have a Chinese friend who said he personally never worked as a child in China, but obviously if this was true not every single kid would have worked in a factory.
  3. Surveillance and Social Credit: are these myths, or are they true? Why would China go so far to implement these systems, surely it’d be far too costly and burdensome for whatever they’d gain from that.
  4. Uighur Muslim genocide: Is this true?

Thank you to anyone who answers, and if you do please cite sources so I can look further into China. I really appreciate it.

edit: I was going to ask about Tiananmen Square, but as it turns out that literally just didn’t happen. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/wikileaks/8555142/Wikileaks-no-bloodshed-inside-Tiananmen-Square-cables-claim.html



  • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    I see a lot of people giving really good answers. What I am not seeing is people giving bad answers. Which is where I come in.

    1. China has companies and a business sector to take money from the west. They are seizing the means of production. At every step they have invested in improving the lives of their people with that money. There is no compelling reason to think that will stop. While it isn’t a given to trust them. Too soon to tell. They have done far better than any standard we could create to judge them by.

    2. China has like 4 times the number of people we do. For various reasons it is more accurate to divide population by like six in your head when you think about populations in China. In that way we see China has a lower per capida rate of child labor than the US. Given that China is about as poor as Mexico it is really astounding how well they have done at eradicating that problem

    3. Mostly a myth. We have social credit here in America that determins much more than their system does there. In some states here in the US is you ever grew the wrong kinda flower you can never vote again, or get basic food aid, or most jobs.

    4. False and wildly so. They had a bunch of terrorist attacks from a region that was underfunded. They went out of their way to not hurt anyone and just make the place nicer so the people wouldn’t wanna do attacks anymore. Which, should he noted, are people we paid to do attacks there. Our defence department has said that openly. So that is our government mad all the terrorists we trained are not doing the terrorism we paid them to do.