they keep talking as though we fundamentally want the same things but have different views on how to achieve it. no, i want the amerikkkan state and its allies wiped from the face of the earth and every one of its politicians, media cheerleaders, military brass, etc shot, even the ones who are ok with me being trans! i don’t want a “lesser evil”. i want the people to assert themselves on the world historical stage and drag you and everyone like you from your comfortable homes. you are the modern incarnation of the Nazis, you are actively carrying out the worst atrocity i have seen in my life, and yet you think you can convince me to do anything for you, let alone not actively work for your overthrow and execution???

    • loathsome
      7 months ago
      1. Be liberal
      2. Win the election as a centre-right coalition bringing both sides of the aisle together
      3. Tank the economy because idealist economic theory cannot defeat the laws of nature
      4. Proles are mad. Subdue labour protests by siccing the riot police on them.
      5. Fascists are using white supremacist rhetoric to wind up the disgruntled poors. I disapprove of what they say, but I will defend to the death their right to say it.
      6. Glibly hand over the reigns of power to a fascist in the ensuing election
      7. How could Russia do this
        7 months ago

        This is pretty brilliantly written. Only part I didn’t like was point 3. Seems like the key there wasn’t tanking the economy as a whole but rather allowing the wealthiest few to seize all the resources for private gain and expand the wealth gap to historic levels. The “economy” was doing great during most of this time.