I’m into a co-worker. Nothing indicates he’s interested or even into guys, but I’m bad at reading social cues. He knows I’m not straight and we talk regularly at work.

It feels like it’s obvious I like him, but again, social cues. I was thinking about saying something direct and just being honest, but I don’t want to stress him out. I don’t expect him to like me back, but that would be great.

I guess I’m asking how uncool is it to communicate that to someone at work?

Edit - I just wanted to say thanks and I hear what a lot of you are saying. I was under the assumption that being around someone you like and not telling them you like them is dishonest and unfair. It turns out I need to reevaluate some things about myself.

I need to be careful and I don’t want to risk making work worse for me/alienate another person who’s trying to work in peace.

I’m just glad I got to talk about the feeling somewhere shit once. Thanks again!

  • ComradeSharkfucker@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    Just candidly admitting you find someone attractive can be awkward for the recipient. Some people can take it in stride but it still feels a little strange regardless. Maybe invite him out for a drink or out somewhere people go for fun idk I don’t go out much. Subtlety is your friend