Terrible work, everyone.


  • Cigarette_comedian [he/him]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    When I was young, they told me we were working on new technology and it was going to stop the climate issue.


    When I was young, I saw polite little PSA’s in magazine’s telling me not to shower too long.

    When I was young, I heard of the hydrogen car.

    When I was young, I watched the crocuses grow in the spring.

    When I was young, the snow fell on the correct dates.

    When I was older, I realized the scope of it all.

    When I was older, we were setting up the wind turbines.

    When I was older, they were testing out new tech to harvest energy from currents.

    When I was older, I saw my first electric car.

    When I was older, we got new recycling bins.

    When I was older, my neighbor threw his oil-heater out.

    When I was older, I learned that cold melt water from the pole was slowing the Golf stream.

    When I was older, I saw no crocuses.

    When I was older, it snowed a day in May.

    Today, I fear for it all.

    Today, we are throwing the wind turbines in the trash after their use-life ran out.

    Today, I know we don’t use solar panels cause it’d make electricity too cheap.

    Today, they had posters begging us to sort correctly.

    Today, I saw even more electric cars, and I knew they still ruined the climate.

    Today, I looked outside, at the snow that came two weeks ago and stayed.

    Today, it hit two degrees.

    Will there be a tomorrow?