Yeah yeah treats, slop, fascism and so on. I like true crime, if you’ve got an issue then come to evergreen terrace 742 and we can talk about it.

Anyway I used to love Last Podcast on The Left, but they’ve lost the sauce. I enjoyed them for the fact they seemed to do a lot of research, but aloof treatment of the subject matter (making “gold star episodes” for especially gory stuff 🤮) and also, somehow, wanting to do the “scary and serious” type voice… It’s shit.

I’d love some recommendations for True Crime podcasts that:

  • Treat the victims with respect.
  • Don’t give the perpetrators mythological gravitas
  • Do deep research
  • Are entertaining
  • Aren’t trying to make me believe the world is out to get me so Ill buy their home alarm system.

By entertainment I don’t mean funny. I just mean it provides you with whatever it is you expect to get out of listening to a good podcast.

  • BilduEnjoyer [he/him]
    2 months ago

    I strongly recommend Casefile True Crime for a more serious, journalistic perspective. The host is very respectful and content warnings are provided at the beginning of each episode and in the description. The only downside to this podcast is that some episodes center around unsolved mysteries, which I personally don’t enjoy because I don’t like speculation in my true crime.

    DNA ID is a good one because it leans more academic, and the host goes out of their way to interview the detectives involved in the case if she can. Can be too pro cop sometimes, which is unsurprising considering that forensic and law students appear to be the target audience.

    Some good mini-series include “In the Dark”. Their latest series on Iraqi war crimes is pretty rage inducing though, so be prepared mentally if you want to listen to that one. The hosts interviews some chuds and one guy was so infuriating that I punched the inside of my car.

    “Hunting Warhead” is about a CSAM creator/distributor who contributed to some of the most heinous content ever including “Daisy’s Destruction” (NSFL RESEARCH AT OWN RISK). The podcast hosts interview Warhead’s former roommate and the detectives who created a honey pot to catch this guy, and other pedophiles. It was so good I binged the whole thing in one sitting. However, the podcast deals with the worst crimes imaginable so listen at your own risk.