He asked me if I had ever seen umbrella academy.
I told him I had. Great show.
He says “you wanna know who you remind me of?”
I’m thinking if he says Klaus I’m gonna lose my shit.
“That medium guy that’s always high”
After I got done laughing my ass off I was just like yeah fair.
Once I met a bunch of my australian relatives - my great aunt’s kids and grandkids - and some fucking 4 year old came up to me in the kitchen and says “You don’t have a girlfriend, do you, Owl?”
so I’m like “That’s very perceptive of you, how did you know that?”
and this tiny australian shitling looks me in the eye, says “because you’re ugly”, then turns around and leaves.
I would have absolutely put that kid in the bin if I’d worked out which of the 3 anklebiters running around it was.
Kids are absolutely brutal. And they have this uncanny ability to figure out what you’re insecure about and tease you about it mercilessly.