See, I’m no tankie, I’m a radical anarcho communist according to this chart
Link if you want to try it yourself:
See, I’m no tankie, I’m a radical anarcho communist according to this chart
Link if you want to try it yourself:
doing the test and finding out that he’s an anarchist
If you aren’t hitler or mussolini you literally can’t get to auth-left. This shitty test is essentially a “are you an asshole?” test and if you answer “no” you will be hailed as the one true anarchist. So yes. Xi would be considered an anarchist by the political cumpiss.
yeah this. the entire questionaire is built in a way that makes it impossible to be auth-left unless you’re some kind of nazbol or strasserite. none of the questionaire items deal with positions that would actually be “authoritarian” positions of a Marxist-Leninist, such as “freedom of the press and freedom of assembly sometimes have to take a backseat to fighting off counter-revolutionaries” or “a vanguard party sometimes needs to do purges to weed out corruption, incompetence and careerism”. Instead, you are an authoritarian leftist if you hate abstract art and gay people and beat your children. Like, that’s literally what you need to answer to score as a Maoist. If you espouse social policies of the USSR, such as being pro-abortion, being anti-racist and getting women out of the kitchen and into the universities, this test counts you as less of a Marxist-Leninist.
It’s pure horseshoe theory at work, it tries to measure how fascist you are and how communist you are by the same questions, and the result is that actual communists cannot score as communists. Go figure.
Yeah it really raises questions about those 16 year olds on /r/politicalcompassmemes who have the red flair
r/pcm users by flair:
blue: nazis
red: nazis who want free healthcare
green: nazis who like to smoke weed
purple / yellow: nazis with more than 1TB of CSAM on their harddrive
The one good thing that the test does is highlight how thin the pretense that (American and American-inspired) conservatives have of wanting “personal freedom and small government” is.
Even in countries where sexism, homophobia, and abusive parenting are (unfortunately) still common amongst the left, many people would still end up in the libertarian half just by supporting racial equality, international unity, and abortion. Like, I tried doing the test except with my answers changed to support homophobia, anti-drug/porn laws, and hitting children and still ended up (barely) in the libertarian half.
And yet, despite the test being made by right-libertarians to promote their ideology, the vast majority of Americans who take it fall on the bottom-left to top-right spectrum, with only a handful in the bottom right quadrant.
Edit: They also do election analysis where they put candidates on the chart (basically just based on vibes) and it still follows a bottom-left to top-right spectrum. Interestingly enough, they do label the vast majority of candidates in the 2020 US elections as right-wing authoritarians, despite the fact that their test labels anyone to the left of Mike Bloomberg as a left-libertarian.
Note how there’s several cnadidates so right-wing on economics that they are basically off the chart.