I can see it now. Trump calls in gravy team 6 to break him out, they kill a ton of cops in a firefight while rescuing him, once back at the white house he drone strikes the judge and prosecutor responsible and he spends the next couple years vindictively attacking Democrats and their prosecutors and dismantling the justice department while battering the hell out of NY with federal antagonism that’s not really legal further pushing the idea of a breakup of the states into the mainstream. Democrats promise to jail him after he leaves office but he dies days before the election after finishing a Big Mac for dinner and Vance issues a sweeping pardon for Trump’s family and associates for all activities to which Democrats tut tut but have to respect the institutions and so go on to face-plant in the next election as well despite it being “the most important election of our lives”.
hey there is still new york sentencing… not that I am holding my breath but you have a little bit before no jail time is confirmed.
Yeah but can they even sentence him to serve time after his term?
I mean there is no rule saying that they could not sentence him to serve his entire term in a new york jail cell
I can see it now. Trump calls in gravy team 6 to break him out, they kill a ton of cops in a firefight while rescuing him, once back at the white house he drone strikes the judge and prosecutor responsible and he spends the next couple years vindictively attacking Democrats and their prosecutors and dismantling the justice department while battering the hell out of NY with federal antagonism that’s not really legal further pushing the idea of a breakup of the states into the mainstream. Democrats promise to jail him after he leaves office but he dies days before the election after finishing a Big Mac for dinner and Vance issues a sweeping pardon for Trump’s family and associates for all activities to which Democrats tut tut but have to respect the institutions and so go on to face-plant in the next election as well despite it being “the most important election of our lives”.
Literally what liberals thinks will happen
A podcast presidency from a jailcell would be an interesting timeline
then as farce! then as farce!