wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]

From the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free

  • 249 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • Trump: tromp there are 10 billion illegal immigrants in our country and they’re ruining everything, the border is very bad, my leadership was the best ever

    Joe whywhywhywhywhy uh nato is uh uh when best they say best- and and uh vaccine- we defeated Medicare

    That’s the gist of it but here’s some bullet points

    -Trump saying that democrat states kill babies, giving an example from Virginia that’s obviously bullshit
    -Moderators just kinda letting Trump tell lies continuously
    -Biden looking warmed over and barely able to string together a sentence
    -Biden had a maybe-successful debate point about capping insulin costs, but didn’t really have the mental capacity to explain it
    -Trump talking endlessly about immigrants
    -Biden trying to go right on the border issue and failing
    -Trump not answering questions
    -Trump got a couple decent jabs in at Biden, particularly one where he said that Biden didn’t know what he himself said
    -Trump had a couple good points, that being that the war in Ukraine is a waste of our money and that Joe is propping Europe up. He also said inflation is killing our country, and he’s kinda right
    -of course all of Trump’s solutions to these problems were nonsense, talking about Biden doing ok until 14 months in when inflation started, and blaming him for bad fiscal policies (I wonder what else happened in February 2022? putin-wink)

    Overall it was a depressing reminder of how cooked the DNC is and how messed up U.S. politics are in general. They barely answered questions and of course both love Israel.