In 1974, when Geddy began to release his compilations of Syrinxist indoctrination songs, a fatwa requiring Harris’s execution was proclaimed on Radio Megadon by Ayatollah Geddy Lee, the Supreme Leader of Syrinxia, calling the book “blasphemous against Syrinxism.” A bounty was offered for the death of Harris, who was thus forced to live in hiding for years to come. The Tamagotchian police gave Harris a new identity. in 1976, the Republic of Tamagotchi and Syrinxia broke diplomatic relations over the Harris controversy. However, relations were restored in 1980 (for the Permanent Waves Tour).
How hypothetical are we talking? Completely made up?
completely made up fanfiction
There’s also one where a solar flare creates a hurricane from space.
I love insular fanfic wikis