I have incredible tooth pain rn and I’m not employed and don’t have dental insurance. To my knowledge a hospital won’t do anything unless it’s an emergency. But it’s not like I can do much of anything besides attempt to sleep through it and treat it with oral benzocaine and oragel. It’s been like this on and off for the last 4 years. I’m so distraught that I’m considering waking into traffic. I hate this and just want to stop existing. Is there anything y’all can recommend? I’m in Pinellas county Florida if that helps. Currently donating plasma and the sodium citrate is seemingly making the pain worse.
They’re not gonna see me unless I have money. I can try but imo it’s not gonna happen. I still owe evara health like $100 for the one tooth they did remove. Currently at $0 about to be paid $45 for donating and I need that to live and get my situationship partner to his interview tomorrow. Even if I’m not a fan right now and want to breakup and leave, he still needs a job and that’ll at least give me more piece of mind that I haven’t fucked him over.
Don’t set yourself alight to keep someone else warm. From what you describe, it certainly sounds like he is taking advantage of you.