• Justice@lemmygrad.ml
      4 months ago

      I like how they just lie blatantly and openly

      No country has a right to just invade another nation or sovereign territory just because [reason]

      They have a right to demand their people be returned any enter diplomatic relations to get them back. Not just invade a place, kill any number of civilians, and then pretend it was justified. The only reason these Nazis think like this is because they’re American or under American umbrella, so to them America and chosen allies are allowed to just invade and destroy any territory they deem necessary for any reason at any time. Obviously this “logic” requires believing the US/ allies are special, should be special, and above international law and basic human decency that dictates “you can’t just murder innocent people somewhere to “save” other people.” Like if bank robbers took hostages no one would say it’s ok for cops to level all the surrounding residential area killing 1000 people in the process of extracting hostages. Just so stupid. So tired of these Nazis.

      Different topic

      Shinzo Abe