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Joined 4 年前
Cake day: 2020年8月7日


  • That one and some others were deleted by order of then-CEO Ellen Pao, it was like throwing a lit match into a powderkeg. The things r*ddit holds most dearly - misogyny, racism, and xenophobia - erupted from its sizeable population of reactionary neckbeards into a shitstorm of fist-pounding tantrums like nothing the site had seen to that point. The insults and threats of violent fantasies were endless and many were Sinophobic in nature. A few years after it happened I remember a discussion (maybe on /r/ShitRedditSays or similar) around how the bigots who inhabited /r/FatPeopleHate et. al., were heavily overlapped with same crowd who would later be found in The_Donald and related right-wing hate subs.

    NATOpedia has an article for her and there’s some detail on this incident if you want more slop on it (I didn’t read every word of the article, just skimmed, so can’t say whether it’s tainted/biased by one of the neckbeard power editors).