GnastyGnuts [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2020


  • Smaller communities strike me as more “natural” to engage with, by which I mean, the human brain (or mine at least) seems better equipped to engage with small groups of familiar people than a sea of usernames I don’t know and have no real rapport with.

    but when people say they create their own echo chambers Yada Yada thing, even though I would agree with that, it’s interesting to see how people who believe different things, are just amongst eachother.

    I think being exposed to the cacophony of “sound” online had given a lot of people strange ideas about “echo chambers.” To me it’s extremely natural and obvious that most people would gravitate towards people they actually like and broadly agree with, rather than toss themselves into online spaces where they’re constantly at odds with the other users. Depending on one’s perspectives and political persuasions, finding those spaces can be fairly easy, or very hard.

  • The parliamentarian is the one I always remember whenever they pull the condescending “do you know how your own government works?” lines, since the president had the power to unilaterally (without any other input from anyone else) fire and re-hire a new parliamentarian that was more amenable to passing his agenda.

    There was even historical precedent for it thanks to good old George W. Bush doing it for exactly that reason: the guy they had wouldn’t do the job, so they shit-canned him and got somebody who would! My god, look at that ruthless efficiency! He had the power to solve the problem he was faced with, and he did! With Joe Biden, everybody just whined about the parliamentarian keeping poor Joe from passing his agenda (with democratic majorities in the house and senate) until media moved on, they eventually rotated villains to Joe Manchin and Kristen Sinema, etc.

    Liberals are fucking jackasses. They understand this shit worse than anybody, but they’re so condescending and up their own asses that they’ll just keep burping up these thought-terminating cliches like they’re making a point.

  • The 1987-88 TV horror-drama series Werewolf. It’s basically just the '70s Hulk show but with a werewolf instead of The Hulk. Guy becomes a werewolf fugitive roaming the US, wanted by a bounty hunter (named Joe Rogan lol), pursues the werewolf the curse traces back to in hopes of killing it and curing himself, etc.

    Fun fact, this show was a part of the FOX channel’s debut lineup when it first started airing.

    Un-fun fact, this show is increasingly moving into “lost media” territory because of its general obscurity, and the fact that licensing disputes over music rights (such as using the song Silent Running in the pilot episode) prevent it from being re-published on modern media.

    If you search for it on duckduckgo, it will likely give you an archive page where you can watch the whole series in considerably-worse-than-standard definition.

    Frankly, it’s a series that I would love to see a reboot / remake for, because the basic premise (as well as the premises of various individual episodes) is solid, but the execution is plagued by sloppy writing and weirdly awful editing at times.