A buddhist vegan goth with questionable humour.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Sounds abut right (wing). This is the kind of shit I see coming for a lot of Europe, including German (where I am located). The funny thing is that they can’t stop talking about “Eco Fashism” here and how the Greens are trying to dictate their every day live (like what to eat and what to fuel their cars with) and how that is a left green dictatorship. And then shit like you bring up here the second they get elected.

  • I am not very well read in political theory, but I would agree with the idea that capitalism HAS to end in crisis because exponancial groth just can’t be sustained.

    I would further point out that, to my limited knowledge, capitalism is a (or even the) root cause of the current climate crisis (altough things like humans inability to solve long term problems, as well as other factors come into play too. After all, things like the ozon hole have been solved even under a capitalist system).

  • I don’t know about other nations. In Germany we have had the Conservative Party ruling for 16 years as a right leaning Party, 4 years of a left party that implemented right wing neo fashist ideas, followed by another 16 years of conservative rule with more centeristic than right wing rule (the political void in the right was filled by the AFD, which has become a true fashist party in the last 10 years). The only “left” government we ever had in the last 36 years has been in the last 2, and they are heavily restricted by beeing in a coalition with a neo liberal right wing party.

    So, at least for Germany, this just doesn’t hold true.

  • The Netherlands will very likely have a right wing government and will be heading down the same path. Same with Italy, Sweden, Denmark.

    With the next European election this year the right wing parties in the European Parliament will gain a lot of traction.

    We could be heading down the American path and lose a lot or the progress we made over the last 2 decades.

    I will be a father in a couple or hours. Between the right taking to power and accelerating climate change i am just so fucking worried in what kind of world my kids will grow up.

  • Gloomy@mander.xyztoMemes@lemmy.mlyea
    4 months ago

    Gender ideology, which seeks to blur differences between men and women through movements such as transgenderism, “makes everything the same,” Francis said.

    “Erasing differences is erasing humanity. Man and woman, however, are in a fruitful ‘tension,’” Francis told the assembly

    Wild. Unscientific, Transphobic and in the end just realy harmful misinformation.

  • Gloomy@mander.xyztoLeftism@lemmy.worldWhy People Say Capitalism is Violent
    9 months ago

    No. It’s the System that encurages them to dog it out that is to blame. A System that is build around exponancial groth. Those 117 companies wouldn’t dig or pump that stuff out, consumers wouldn’t live lifes that use up extraordenary amounts of energy compared to any other time in human history, goverments wouldn’t make the GDP their holy grail, if not for the hyper capitalist framework that has enabled this to happen.

    So, it you have to blame something, blame the bloody System.

    And, btw., don’t use the “the companies are responsible” line to excuse not changing how you consume and how much you personaly continue. I am not saying that you are doing so, but I’ve read it to many times by now.

    Yes, BP pushed the carbon footprint idea. Yes, BP and any other oil company has to do chance their buisness model. That does not mean that All of us will not have to degrow the way we live. Every one of us needs to start acting in a more sustainable manor, from Individual to company to government, if we want to minimise suffering for future generations. If we don’t (and honestly it doesn’t look like it) their will be a systematic reduction in complexity anyway. The only question is if it will be by design or by desaster.

  • Gloomy@mander.xyztoLeftism@lemmy.worldWhy People Say Capitalism is Violent
    9 months ago

    You are speaking truth, going vegan has one of the highest possible personal impacts. Eating animals is one of the main reasons for the massive land use, since we need it manly to feed animals, therefore it is reducing biodiversity.

    Personaly, I don’t think the second part of your comment is sensible. Beeing aggressiv and making accusations (even if warented) will not change peoples minds but make them defend themself. But again, that’s just my view.

    (edit to reword a sentence)