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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Mine is Magic: The Gathering, except I fully realize that I am pulling away from it and why.

    The game sparked an immense amount of joy when I picked it up in high school. Now I barely recognize the game anymore. It doesn’t truly have an identity of its own and exists in this permanent state of limbo where 3rd party IPs are taking over the demand for new product and the rules are becoming so bloated that they can’t fit them on cards anymore.

    This is such an “old man yelling at clouds” moment for me, because I heard just about every reason under the sun for why people quit the game when I was playing from power creep to changing art styles to just getting priced out of the hobby in general. I realize now that those people were not wrong, they were just not the target audience anymore. I am no longer a profitable demographic to pander to. I never buy packs anymore, and I’ve even stopped buying singles and I don’t attend tournaments or collect anymore, so why would Hasbro/WotC make products for me? Especially when there are deep pocketed whales out there who will pay top dollar for their favorite crossover set, no matter how silly or out of place it might seem.

    I wish I could enjoy the game the way I used to, but I just can’t be bothered to hop back in when it doesn’t feel the same anymore.

  • I want people to know that life was the greatest fucking thing to ever happen to me. I loved it all, even the parts that sucked, just because I got to take it all in. The highs of joy, the lows of sadness, the good, the bad. People will say “Too bad he never got to live a full life,” but I say FUCK that! This was fucking incredible! This IS a full life because it’s the one I got, and just the chance to experience this universe is so unbelievably goddamn beautiful

    I don’t have anything to add to the discussion, but that particular line resonated with me. When I was in college, one of my professors said something pretty profound that I think is relevant to this. I can’t remember if he was quoting someone of if this was original, but I’m paraphrasing it here:

    “Everyone who has ever lived was alive during the greatest time to be alive.”

    So I think you are absolutely right. Life is a blessing and you got to be here for the best life had to offer, and that’s awesome. We are all but motes of dust, and the span of a full life versus a life cut short is inconsequential in the grand scheme. I’m sure you’ll leave something behind that will be worthwhile and will help carry your memory forward in time.

  • “Experience” is generally defined as prior work history in the same field, not occupational knowledge. An entry level job necessarily means that you can apply for the job and still have a chance to get hired even if it is your first ever job (or, in a perfect world, that’s what it would mean, yet we live in a world where “entry level” job postings exist that also require 3-5 years of prior work history in the field).

    Of course, just because it’s an entry level position, that doesn’t mean that someone who knows nothing about the job they are applying for can get it. That’s why I specified that every job has skills that you need to train either on the job or independently. In the case of python programming, you would absolutely need those skills down pat before applying to the job, because the expectation is that you are sufficiently competent with the language and can start on projects right away.

  • The cross-industry term for “no experience required” is “entry level”, not unskilled.

    I don’t think that there’s such a thing as unskilled jobs, because no company would ever advertise that they are seeking “unskilled” laborers. Even jobs like flipping burgers at McDonalds are treated with a certain degree of seriousness and professional reverence by the company themselves. They want to hire people who are quick on their feet, are familiar with how to cook, can memorize orders including substitutions, multitask in the kitchen, and so on. Those are undeniably skills that one must train, either independently or on the job itself.

    Unskilled labor is entirely a fictitious term invented by the media to describe jobs that they deem unimportant or trivial, with the sole purpose of denigrating the demographic of people who work those jobs as a primary means to earn a living.

  • Lemmy is basically a full replacement. The only time I find myself going back is if I’m looking for information on a niche or obscure topic and reddit seems to have a lot of those communities while Lemmy doesn’t (yet).

    I also get Google search results from Reddit too, but the mass scrubbing of data has turned any thread older than a year or so into a mass grave of deleted comments and sometimes context is missing which is sad but I also hope that people will learn from this and Google will start actually getting their search engine algorithms out of social media for that reason.

  • I used to use it way back when it first came out and I was a huge fan, but about the time Chrome was becoming a mainstream alternative I started to have a lot of difficulty with adblockers not working and webpages that refused to load on anything other than Internet Explorer or Chrome, so I switched.

    Heard about some of the shady shit going down recently in the Googlesphere and decided it was time to switch back and I’m happy to report that everything runs smoothly again.

  • Furbag@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlFor Free!
    1 year ago

    This flag is called “Thin Blue Line”, which is a pro-police symbol. The origin is from the thought that supposedly the only thing keeping peaceful society insulated from total anarchy is a “thin blue line”, or a small number of law enforcement officers who voluntarily put themselves between the two.

    However, as noble as the origin sounds, the flag itself is only a modern artistic creation that can trace it’s actual creation to the counter-protest of the “Black Lives Matter” movement in support of the police (the ones who were the subject of accusations of racial bias and discrimination against blacks in America) and it often interpreted as a racist dogwhistle, supporting acts of police brutality, extrajudicial killings, and authoritarianism in general.

    It’s a pretty right-wing affiliated symbol and you see it in conjunction with a lot of other conservative virtue signaling, iconography, and stereotypes.

  • My gripe with him isn’t so much his fight mechanic, it’s his absolutely massive hitbox that activates whenever it moves a centimeter.

    Fighting him from the air is the most efficient, I’ve discovered, but I spent a good few attempts trying to get in close with the plasma blade and would see three quarters of my HP bar disappear because my recovery animation overlapped with the startup of his charge attack that shouldn’t have been able to hit me because I was to his side or rear.

    The Cataphract has been my favorite fight so far. Really challenging, but really rewarding.

  • In my experience, you don’t have to compromise. You can take meta dual shotguns and two heavy hitting shoulder mounts and just vaporize enemies. Almost trivially, in fact.

    The problem is, the game is not more fun if you force yourself into something like a melee hybrid build. It’s significantly harder and there’s less room for error when piloting lightweight ACs, so it’s no surprise that most people find the most comfortable build to be one where you have high health and damage mitigation, insane burst DPS, and stunlock potential.

    In short, there’s not a good balance between the different playstyles and difficulty. Some bosses are actually really fun to fight, but two or three of them have made my shit list already just due to the nonsense you are forced to put up with. Juggernaut, Balteus, and Sea Spider are the three biggest offenders right now.