BynarsAreOk [none/use name]

  • 22 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2021


  • The problem is nobody else learned their lesson either. Why should Iran be any different?

    China says US bad twice a day monday through friday and on the weekends they shake hands with Hitler and praise Kissinger?

    Russia is not anti-west and Putin is the exception exactly because of his personal experience. If you remove this he is exactly the same anti-communist fascist as everyone else. He is not fundamentally anti-west and Russia is full of MAGA idiots that think [insert Trump-like idiot here] will be better for them because [insert woke garbage here]. If the US political climate swings back towards MAGA in the future how easy will it be to fool these Russian fascists again?

    India/Modi actively sabotages BRICS and Brazil is literaly irrelevant as Lula’s theatrics fools nobody exactly because the actual Brazilian political climate is extremely biased towards the far-right and besides he is no stranger to neoliberalism at home anyway.

    Iran should learn their lesson, there is no normalization and there is no trusting the US. This is obvious, but if the point is this is a learning experience, then I’m pessimistic anyone is learning anything.

  • The point is that this signals exactly what the western market wants to see, a clear sign that the party is willing to follow neoliberal economics at crucial steps now and in the future.

    IMO greed(profit) speaks the loudest, Wall st. doesn’t realy care or believe in all these fearmongering narratives, instead they fear the perception that the CPC can “fuck up” the economy at any time by doing that evil socialism thing.

    Wall Street loves it because it shows the party is in control and takes the economic data seriously while also showing there should be no fear of the CPC taking any “socialist” measures in the short term. Again it shows what everyone wants to see, that the party cares more about economic data than anything else.

    The thought things can be fixed with just pumping money is a slippery slope, yet its no surprise why capitalists are loving it.

    But I think it’s safe to say that with the Fed lowering the rates, we are now entering the Phase 2 of the US financial warfare against China. Phase 3 being the ultimate speculative attack by selling its assets all at once.

    You should temper your expectations here, China has a lot of room to make stupid decisions still, while the US is entirely built on a house of cards called “economic data” which would be fine if not for the unbelievably asinine attempts made to justify why bad data is good actualy.

    The question of soft/hard landing is basically down to how the market wants to interpret the narrative at any point in time.

    If you pay attention at all to these narratives the neolibs already flip flopped a dozen times since 2020.

    Inflation was bad, then it wasn’t, then it was “sticky”, then it was “solved” anyway because fuck food and rent anyway so the fed must cut rates, but actualy not yet because if they do it means they’re afraid the bad data is bad actualy and they’re desperate, but actualy now the bad data is not bad at all because turns out the fed mandate is throws dice who fucking knows at this point so we must cut rates now otherwise it wont be soft landing anymore except any bad jobs report can turn soft landing into bad landing overnight.

    I’m not sure I ever believed the US can wage such an economic war, upon reflection to me it seems since 2020 all this current political/economic circus can’t be maintained if the US does intend to get serious against China.

  • All China has to do is stop trading with a country, they don’t need to launch a single missile.

    I agree but when it was suggested that China should have done this back earlier this year against Israel quite some people thought this unwarranted though.

    I used to say these types of economic sanctions were the very bare minimum China could have done to intervene on the genocide against Israel, raise the stakes for the US at barely no risk for China themselves, but instead we have nothing at all at except speeches that say US bad on one hand while countless US officials traveled to Beijing on the other hand.

    Its cool to have a weapon you’re never willing to use or one which people will bend backwards to justify not using.

    China currently worships “non-interventionism” for many reasons, a nuclear threat is the exact opposite of that so I don’t think its smart to read this test as a message either.

  • You’re absolutely right about the illusion but IMO the Bernie era gave people including many socialists/leftists who considered him as harm reduction a complete illusion of what the underlying political climate was heading towards.

    While Bernie was campaigning on very good vibes and huge crowds asking for healthcare the population was heading increasingly away from the “traditional” both parties values of decades prior.

    Its obvious Trump completely destroyed traditional conservatism but for the Democrats to destroy Bernie they had no alternative but plant the seeds of Blue MAGA.

    Biden only got there because he was the only alternative to defeat Bernie without the Dems jumping off a cliff politically. Then they pulled this Biden coup only because Biden was absurdly unpopular. IMO if they tried the same shit with the Bernie nomination things would have been very interesting back then.

    Dems could have avoided this by just dealing with Bernie as the coward and incoherent fool he is as president, at least they would have had 8 years of probably the most popular president in history.

    Instead the year is 2024 and Blue MAGA is not a parody, its the foundation of the party.

  • I think at least since COVID its clear its as much anti-Biden than pro-Trump. For both of them actualy its more about what the opposition says or does than your own rethoric, not to deny that is important, but clearly some people vote more based on what they hate the most.

    So we look back and Biden spent 4 years gaslighting people that everything is fine even if your rent doubled. They repeat Fed shit through the liberal media as if people not only understand but agree with all the punching left/down they’re doing.

    “Inflation is under control”, “robust jobs market”, “excess savings” lol you know the memes I’m sure.

  • Yes, re-industrialization can and will eventually happen, but it won’t happen immediately.

    It definitely wont happen exactly because there is a reason capitalists moved to the global south in the first place. Industry in the north is not profitable. This will never change unless the north population goes through either some massive economic shock doctrine akin to a WW2/3 scenario or probably massive climate change catastrophe.

    Its like every single time we forget history, the only reason why the US industry grew in the first place, the only reason the west managed to industrialize in the first place, the obvious consequences for Germany when they were put on the dead end of industrialization(e.g entirely dependent on imported energy).

    If we consider these things the US is far more likely to collapse and balkanize. I expect chuds shooting liberals well before chuds and liberals hands together working in a factory for $5 an hour which is necessary for industrial profitability nowadays.

    This is not to say that America will be a bad place to live in, it is simply that its standard of living will be below what its citizens are currently able to “enjoy” (in relative terms to the Global South). Meanwhile, real economic growth will happen in the East where their living standards will be far above the former Imperial Core, and you can expect many skilled talents would seek to emigrate as well.

    If by “East” you mean China yeah maybe if we consider the richest cities, otherwise you need some reality checks on what the average work and life condition in Japan and South Korea is like.

  • Not sure why this type of garbage mainstream econ “common sense” got upvoted.

    Respecfuly, read Graeber’s BS jobs. China isn’t a magical place exempt from those issues. On the contrary, recent years there is an issue with larger youth unemployment due to too many graduates not finding white collar jobs i.e people want BS jobs that pay well and give benefits. It got nothing to do with productivity or the “workforce”.

    Tell the office workers in every T1 city they have to take 4h off every week to help with local community services for example, or just reduce the work hours in general.

    There are solutions, it requires the party to reevaluate their commitment to economic growth at any cost. China is a complicated topic but the easiest way for them to fail is to listen to exactly this type of mainstream western econ shitty rethoric and surprise surprise stupid decisions like this happens exactly when they do that.