47…b4 wins the queen. It has nowhere to run.
It was a speed chess game that I watched live. White had plenty of time but he got impatient and missed it. I totally missed it too. The eval bar showed white with a huge advantage but I was mystified. I was looking in the wrong place - on the upper right side of the board. I forgot all about the b pawn. And they were playing so quickly I had brand-new other things to try to figure out.
The game was sharp. That’s a chess term that I define as pretty damn complicated and tricky. Trying to understand the positions in real time made my head hurt.
Sticking a knife in the board and having the Bishops investigated for sex crimes.
Can’t black respond with … b2? En passant, all memes aside
No en passant would only work if blacks pawn is on A4.
Ah, I thought you could capture with en passant from either square. Goes to show that I haven’t played chess in years
Obligatory: Google en passant.
Holy hell!
I was a little unsure at first too lol it’s a bit of a weird setup and not something seen super often.
damn that’s a good line. I only saw the Be4+ line that trades the rook for the queen
Same here
The best move would be the white pawns finding common ground with the black pawns and overthrowing the remaining aristocrats & clergy. Then together they can stop the endless cycle of pawns being sacrificed for the whims of the upper classes
the only winning move is not to play
How about a nice AI simulation of The Torment Nexus? Beginning now.
Need more chessposting
hmm I thought there was checkmate because the queen is all but trapped. h5 - king can either take or back up to h7, either way rg3 traps the king on the h file… and now I see the problem. if the king takes the pawn, it’s not quite trapped because it can keep moving up and down the h file. ok, guess you do have to actually take the queen first.
I saw the Queen trap but assumed there was a mate.
Bd5 to e4, then, after Kh5, Rf5+ then take the queen?
I was wrong lol, trying to win the queen by sacrificing the rook Be4+ Kh4 Rf4+ Kxh3 Rxc5