of course a :ukkk: scientist would imagine that a sufficiently advanced civilization could only want to exploit and destroy other people they see as somehow lesser beings
I don’t like Dark Forest theory, and we’re unlikely to ever see alien life, so I don’t really care all that much to change my mind… if aliens come they’ll be cool space communists, and that’s my headcanon
Our society is a dark forrest society. Even if we knew there were hostile aliens out there we would still be a bigger threat to ourselves than aliens would.
Nobody likes noisy neighbours.
If you want to contact me ring my doorbell. Don’t blast Metallica loudly and expect me to understand that you ordered the songs to spell out ‘can we borrow your lawnmower?’.
of course a :ukkk: scientist would imagine that a sufficiently advanced civilization could only want to exploit and destroy other people they see as somehow lesser beings
I don’t like Dark Forest theory, and we’re unlikely to ever see alien life, so I don’t really care all that much to change my mind… if aliens come they’ll be cool space communists, and that’s my headcanon
Our society is a dark forrest society. Even if we knew there were hostile aliens out there we would still be a bigger threat to ourselves than aliens would.
What’s your preferred explanation for why we don’t hear any alien broadcasts?
Nobody likes noisy neighbours. If you want to contact me ring my doorbell. Don’t blast Metallica loudly and expect me to understand that you ordered the songs to spell out ‘can we borrow your lawnmower?’.