Having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; impassive. Hopelessly insensible or stupid; not easily aroused or excited; dull; impassive; foolish.
Similar: dull impassive foolish Having or revealing little emotion or sensibility. Having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily aroused or excited.
"her face showed nothing but stolid indifference"
Imagine naming yourself “stupid/dull/impassive/not easily aroused/ect and doesn’t have a strong opinion on religion”. what a killer username.
It wasn’t even the first word they used incorrectly today
on the topic of definitions:
stolid /stŏl′ĭd/ adjective
Imagine naming yourself “stupid/dull/impassive/not easily aroused/ect and doesn’t have a strong opinion on religion”. what a killer username.
That’s some peak Nu Athiest/Rationalist naming convention there. Maybe they fell through a time warp from like 2008?
The nice thing about arrested development is you always know when that person feels like they peaked.