Even better, as it starts to implode, water + electronics = malfunctioning car AI that locks you in the car, which then has a battery fire.
While underwater.
Do you drown or burn to death first?
Oh well its all worth it because you can change the horn to a fart noise.
Elon truly is a genius.
EDIT: Upon further review, the judges on the field have identified two other possible causes of death:
The ABSURDLY toxic and poisonous fumes from the LiOn battery may actually asphyxiate/blood poison you to death as you are enclosed in a steel box underwater
Fucking DUH you may also just be electrocuted to death.
So we now have 4 horrible, actually pretty fast acting processes that could cumulatively kill you, or maybe one would kill you first.
I propose we get Adam Savage to do a one off MythBusters christmas special, and the role of test dummy will be played by Mr 420 Dogecoin himself.
Even better, as it starts to implode, water + electronics = malfunctioning car AI that locks you in the car, which then has a battery fire.
While underwater.
Do you drown or burn to death first?
Oh well its all worth it because you can change the horn to a fart noise.
Elon truly is a genius.
EDIT: Upon further review, the judges on the field have identified two other possible causes of death:
The ABSURDLY toxic and poisonous fumes from the LiOn battery may actually asphyxiate/blood poison you to death as you are enclosed in a steel box underwater
Fucking DUH you may also just be electrocuted to death.
So we now have 4 horrible, actually pretty fast acting processes that could cumulatively kill you, or maybe one would kill you first.
I propose we get Adam Savage to do a one off MythBusters christmas special, and the role of test dummy will be played by Mr 420 Dogecoin himself.
Gotta lead from the front.