Germans, libs and German LGBT+ libs have completely lost the plot

  • GarbageShoot [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I was going to argue against this, but it’s basically an economic question of if they should be held for life or executed, assuming that “slaughtering” takes place after a trial (excluding any violence necessary for liberating captive populations).

    But you definitely need to identify lynch mob leaders, squeeze them for information, and then kill them about as quickly as you can. Those people are unlikely to do anything but harm in the long term unless you have material security and a genuinely sophisticated program for rehabilitating people.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      1 year ago

      But you definitely need to identify lynch mob leaders, squeeze them for information, and then kill them about as quickly as you can. Those people are unlikely to do anything but harm in the long term unless you have material security and a genuinely sophisticated program for rehabilitating people.

      You need more than that. These people would become warriors in a new gladio. Every single one of them that you release would need to be monitored for the remainder of their lives, you can not trust rehabilitation alone.