• RT Redréovič@feddit.ch
    11 months ago

    For most Crackers who haven’t seen life outside their small circles of privilege. They think that they are working against “incitement of violence” by censoring protesters because they happened to irritate their blissful liberal circle jerk of a life which is far from acknowledging the distress of the downtrodden Third World.

    One must imagine the ignorance deeply imbued with such people who think that succumbing to the Bourgeois Humanist Fetishes is what Peace is. What they do in reality is just the opposite. By promoting the obstruction of justice, by standing right on the path of the struggle of the oppressed against the oppressors in the name of peace. They rightfully collaborate with the oppressors. Justifying the cause of the oppressor.

    Where was the peace when Israeli settlers were conducting ethnic cleansing just a few days before the Al-Aqsa Flood? Where was the peace when the Israeli Occupation Force was shooting Palestinian children everyday? Where was the peace when Palestinians were being forced out of their homes, their homes burnt and them locked in cages? Why is it that the day the collective rage of the Palestinians boiled over do the Settlers wake up, open their Instagram accounts and sloganize against Terrorism. Where were they to sloganize against Terrorism when Terrorism was being conducted by the Zionists against a native people?

    The Hamas may have committed a few excesses. But they have 0 blame for punishing the settlers, for who are we to blame them for struggling against such severe Occupation?