RT Redréovič

𐑮𐑧𐑝𐑩𐑤𐑪𐑔𐑩 𐑧𐑕𐑑𐑨𐑕 𐑐𐑨𐑔𐑩 𐑒𐑨𐑢 𐑝𐑦𐑝𐑩.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 11th, 2023


  • That is a decent article. I disagree on a few points but I will look into them later. (If you read the PCP documents, you may come across the disagreements I am talking about.) I suggest reading the Nepali and Indian Maoist Comrades documents regarding this topic as well. There is no single piece talking specifically about this so you will have to read a bunch of papers to get some paragraphs talking about it. They are available on Bannedthought. (Use VPN/Tor if you reside in India, Philippines or China.)

    If you are aware about the ICL (International Communist League), you can also read its statements and the criticisms regarding it. (Available on Bannedthought) The ICL is a primarily Gonzaloite “Communist International” and they have been criticized by the CPI(M) and the RCPN on many points which I suggest giving a read as well.

    I suggest reading the documents published by the PCP first to get a proper overall idea instead of reading the criticisms first.

    And I will assert here that a fair criticism must be made. The PCP certainly had many errors and these have been talked about by the Nepali Maoists and the CPI(M) however bad faith and logically fallacious slandering as done by a few individuals in this thread has a very negative effect.

    Edit 1: I will edit and append links to documents which specifically talk about criticisms of the PCP if I come across them later.

  • The MPCP is a group that splintered from the PCP taking most of its members with itself,

    It is evident that your only knowledge about the group is surface level Wikipedia reading because this is just a blatant lie you took word by word from Wikipedia. The MPCP consists of ex-PAF and that is also written in there if you bothered to read it carefully.

    and the only reason it exists as such is because they saw the PCP agreeing on a ceasefire with the Peruvian state after Gonzalo’s capture as an act of treason from his part.

    The ceasefire was a fabrication by the Peruvian Fascist State. Guzman proved it in his call to arms while being displayed inside a cage to the media.

    On everything but in name, they are the PCP.

    This shows that you do not know anything about the PCP General Political Line or even its history. This is evident by you comparing a proletarian vanguard which waged a People’s War and almost brought the Peruvian State to its knees to a Government Propped up Drug Trafficking Organization. I find it baffling as to what equation you are trying to draw here by just saying the opposite in the previous part. “They splintered off because they had a major disagreement, but they are the same party now because yeah.” Is this not a false analogy and strawman of Maoists? No Maoist upholds the MPCP.

    Nonetheless, that still doesn’t take away the fact that the PCP prior to its split had consistently committed massacres against LGBT peoples through most of its history.

    There is no evidence for this. While in fact, the PCP clearly said that they never targetted LGBTQ individuals/groups just because of their identity as such.

    Also, why are you reviving a dead thread?

    This shows your disinterest and unseriousness in Proletarian Politics and in developing an anti-revisionist knowledge of history. You are treating this as something like a game. Yes, it has been an inactive thread for 3 weeks but you are posting misinformation that will permanently be here. Sorry, but my conscience cannot let you do that.

  • There are 2 phases in Soviet History where the answer to this is different.

    The first in the Revolutionary phase, from the Spark of Revolution to the death of the Proletarian state i.e. 1917-1956. Before the creation of the USSR. The nations within the Russian Empire had no sovereignty and independence. They were internal colonies of the Russian Nation. Following the October Revolution, each nation within the Russian Empire had formed its own Communist Party and led a united struggle with the Bolsheviks against the White Forces. After the creation of the USSRs and the defeat of the White Forces only did the many nations within the USSR finally enjoy independence, including Finland which even if not a part of the USSR, was still granted independence. All peoples in the USSR enjoyed equal rights as fraternal nations on a single path of Socialism.

    The second is the Social-Imperialist phase, from the Anti-Party Coup of 1956 led by Khrushchov and Zhukov till the ceremonial demise of the Soviet State of Affairs. Due to errors in the Party Political Lines since the Stalinist era, the Left Line could not properly combat the Rightist Line in the CPSU(B) and the state had mostly been bureaucratized as a result with many rightist elements taking root in the state since even the 1930s. This resulted in the eventual coup and the destruction of whatever Proletarian elements were left in the party. The Regime transformed into a Social-Imperialist one. This phase constituted many Capitalist Policies being implemented by the state resulting in the anguish of the workers. The constituent SSRs within the Union were also structurally Semi-Colonies along with Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania and Czechoslovakia. While Yugoslavia was a semi colony of the West. Albania persevered as a Proletarian state for a longer duration but still faced a similar issue as Stalin era USSR and its final nail in the coffin was put by Hoxha himself who declared the dogmatic-revisionist position of the PPSH after the death of Chairman Mao.

  • Hamas is a far-right authoritarian fundamentalist group.

    All revolutionary movements are fundamentally authoritarian in that they aim to exercise the right of one group over another. This term has no meaningful value and throwing this word around is common for liberal pseudo-intellectuals like you.

    Yes, The Islamic Resistance Movement is not ideologically Marxist and does not uphold Class Struggle as primary however the contradictions between Islamic Fundamentalism and Marxism are currently not primary in Palestine.

    This insane “I hate X, and Y is the enemy of X…so I must love Y!” shit is fuckin infuriating. Like…THAT is what liberals do. It’s what conservatives do. This kind of one dimensional thinking IS liberalism and it’s such a telling symptom of growing up under the two party American system.

    The Islamic Resistance Movement aims for the destruction of the Zionist Entity and is an ally of all Palestinian Resistance Movements. It is an integral part of the Joint command of various Palestinian Resistance Movements fighting against the Zionist Entity. Revolutionaries the world over and all progressive peoples support Hamas in their united struggle along with the Palestinian Masses against the Zionist entity. Your arguments however make it obvious that you yourself have a failed understanding of Revolutionary Proletarian Politics and ironically are another comical product of the Yankee Empire.

    Not to mention, Israel LOVES framing this as “Hamas/Israel” because it completely ignores the Palestinian people, (and because Israel funded Hamas…)

    Many Oppressive Regimes have applied this tactic historically, to propagandize that they are fighting not the oppressed peoples themselves but an alien group.