I don’t even want y’all to dunk on this, I just want to share this because it’s so funny. no dunking if you can resist took-restraint

If you don’t know what this website is btw, if HackerNews is Reddit for tech bros, then TeamBlind is 4chan for tech bros. Unfortunately very useful for career related information and specific company/tech industry information since everybody there is obsessed with climbing the job ladder

    • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
      1 year ago

      this might not work for you, but i’ve made myself read by turning my phone off and sitting with the book for 15 minutes or half an hour. Even if I get distracted, I’ll have to get into it at some point, and then hopefully it keeps me engaged for a while. after the initial barrier is down, it’s usually not hard to keep reading.

    • EmotionalSupportLancet [undecided]
      1 year ago

      I’ve done that before as a result of “can’t afford to fix/replace phone”.

      Don’t have the willpower to do it by choice, but I can only describe it as “touching in with the foundation of what’s real”.

      longer description

      Like, more aware/observant due to not having a world of tailored escape from what immediately surrounds.

      Example: Standing in line at a food place with a phone? Pulling out the phone and choosing whatever content one desires. Or being more likely to notice the sound of other breeze swaying a tree as you walk home if you can’t have the sounds you prefer summoned by the phone.

      Without a smartphone it’s either entertain yourself with your imagination/finding a train of thought to follow to the end/ observation of the moment. I think my people skills improved a small amount as a result of all the people watching I’d do.

      If you can pull it off without needing to, I recommend it even for a week just as an experience. It’s like living pre-smart phone life again, both the pros and cons.

      Something that helps is cargo shorts/pants. Those can fit a paperback easily if becoming more accustomed to replacing screen time with book time is a desired outcome.