of all the bait to post, the self own here is off the charts
from the natopedia link someone posted
The lead tank halted to avoid running him over; the man then climbed on top of the tank. The PLA soldiers operating the tank then opened a hatch used for entering and exiting the tank, and briefly talked to the man.
If this were bait, then don’t you think it worked like a charm? Unfortunately for you though, I’m genuinely curious what yall have to say here. I may disagree with some of the opinions, but maybe I can learn something along the way.
The easy answer is the Wikipedia article that anyone can simply look up. The real answer I’m looking for is one that comes from alternate perspectives and includes information not-so-easily found in traditional settings, which some of you lovely people have been kind (and open minded) enough to provide.
You should probably have asked for that then. Or clarified when you got that linked. Or clarified at any point, instead of responding like you’ve done. Improve
For someone who is curious its very odd that you only respond to the people giving low effort dunks, rather than those answering your questions. Get it together.
It worked like a charm
<~ you
Edit: coming back to this comment because I remembered that comic about a guy shitting his pants and then being proud he’s “owned” those around him who are mocking him
of all the bait to post, the self own here is off the charts
from the natopedia link someone posted
If this were bait, then don’t you think it worked like a charm? Unfortunately for you though, I’m genuinely curious what yall have to say here. I may disagree with some of the opinions, but maybe I can learn something along the way.
Not really? You thought it was a gotcha and yet it was pretty easily answered.
The easy answer is the Wikipedia article that anyone can simply look up. The real answer I’m looking for is one that comes from alternate perspectives and includes information not-so-easily found in traditional settings, which some of you lovely people have been kind (and open minded) enough to provide.
You should probably have asked for that then. Or clarified when you got that linked. Or clarified at any point, instead of responding like you’ve done. Improve
Someone posted like 5 western media sources
For someone who is curious its very odd that you only respond to the people giving low effort dunks, rather than those answering your questions. Get it together.
Edit: coming back to this comment because I remembered that comic about a guy shitting his pants and then being proud he’s “owned” those around him who are mocking him
That’s a classic too lol, but I was thinking of the guy who smirks and says “rent free”.
Theye all variations of the same though
This is piss, but same idea.
That’s the one I was thinking of!
they call it shit, you call it piss
the answer must lie somewhere in the middle