I’m still watching that slop but god damn this show is just pure unadulterated fan service. there’s no real tension when you already know which characters are safe or not. the writing is also pretty atrocious, doesn’t even feel like “prestige TV”, more like some cable drama cop slop. which is surprising because the original show felt pretty fresh and original, at least in the first couple seasons.

the Dexter subreddit is eating it up, which is whatever. it’s nice to enjoy things. but if the all people who posted during season 8 were still around they’d be tearing this show apart

  • harsh3466@lemmy.ml
    1 month ago

    My wife and I are watching it and I find it OK. Certainly not prestige. I hate the flashbacks, and agree that there’s very little actual tension.

    I was pretty disappointed when they basically just jumped right into “Dexter but all everyone is young”

    I had been hoping for much more of Dexter and Harry working out the code, Dexter trying to figure out his place in the world, and Dexter and Deb forging their relationship as siblings. Instead they breezed through that in one episode and jumped right into kill of the week with the seasonal big bad kill.