Coming from the old style ones where the camera angle moved automatically to this one was a huge disappointment. To me, it is now just another AAA game. Nothing makes it special like the first 4 plus Ascension. Last one I played was the 2018 one and it wasn’t as bad as this one. I feel like I’m too close behind Kratos and my field of view is too narrow. You can only see the enemies in front of you. They removed those cool animations that you get when open a chest. So many things that made GOW what it is are gone. I played for about 2 hours hoping I’d get used to it, but nope, I couldn’t continue. I stopped and uninstalled the game. Am I the only who feels this way about this game?
I agree with you on the QTEs. They were annoying as fuck. But the rest of the games are great, for me at least.
My favourite action slashy style game of the ps2 era would be DMC 1. In true contrarian fashion i actually don’t like dmc 3 anywhere near as much as 1 which to me is a perfect game with no flaws.
Never played any of the DMCs. I played Darksiders the first one, my favorite game of all times. Until now. I replayed the remastered one and finished it actually last week. That game is amazing.
Would recommend dmc and also darkersiders 2 absolute peak of a game
Darksiders 2? Really? I tried it last week and I thought it was horrible. It looks like it was made by a 12 year old. 3 is ok, but not as good as the first one. First one was peak game. Legit my favorite game of all time. I may give DMC a shot.
Sweaty doesn’t like peak
I found darksiders 1 kinda boring and repetitive. It was alright but i don’t remember shit from it. 3 felt like a dark souls rip-off. 2 actually felt like its own thing peak THQ (may they rest in peace)
I love how we have a total opposite take on these games. Lmao.
1 was great. It was very long and made you work very hard to achieve little things, but I loved it. I just couldn’t take 2. It was too mediocre compared to 1. Take a look at the Warmastered edition. It’s fantastic
I suppose we must be each others natural nemesis. Did marx consider this?
Btw, if you have any games suggestions, I wouldn’t mind trying your horrible taste in video games.