I used to be that and I have no idea how and when I started caring. But you know, I’m turning that shit off as of now and will now look at it.
I used to be that and I have no idea how and when I started caring. But you know, I’m turning that shit off as of now and will now look at it.
Honestly, you’re right. I’ve been patient for a long time and I can pull another year or two. I’ve been eying the RX7800xt. It’s on Amazon for $550ish. Maybe it’ll get cheaper when the new GPUs launch and I can then snag me one of them. Or maybe even the 7900xt? Will see
Man, people kill for those clouds and shadows and I’ll never understand that. I guess I’m just too old school 😂
Boie, you’d better do that.
3080ti is actually a badass GPU. Upgrading from it would be only a luxury and for someone who’s perusing those extra frames. I’d be so grateful if I had a 3080ti
Aaaah, good old saints Row. Love that game
That made me laugh 😂. Simple is always good, as long as you’re having fun. 3070 would definitely do even 4k at 30FPS on medium or low. My RX 6600 does that easily on pretty much every game.
Nope, you’re not a snob, you just have a different preference, and that’s totally fine.
I like how us humans have totally different likes and dislikes. I 100% understand you and will never judge you. You like what you like and that’s very good. I mean God of war, yes. It’s freaking gorgeous.
I think I’d feel like a millionaire if I ever got 90 on a high refresh monitor. Lol. I like me poor and not too spoiled.
I can’t do VR. It scares the shit out of me having a screen 2" away from my eyes.
😂 Look like ass.
That’s actually a good way of doing it. I used to be this way, but I don’t know how and why I started using a team’s built in FPS counter and mangohud. I’m going to stop using it so I don’t have to keep glancing it all the time. Thank you.
I see what you mean. Makes sense.
100%. I can absolutely tell, but I just don’t care. I’m here for the fun. Playing God of war with my son and fighting all these bosses and getting into it and yelling is just way too much fun to worry about FPS.
Ha! I didn’t know response time affected it. TIL
Got spoiled. lol
I’m asking YOU and what YOU think is playable and you’d enjoy it , not games.
I feel like 20 FPS would be OK for me if I had absolutely no ability to get at least a 25. But 15? 16? That’s like very jittery. I remember that happening on Alan wake 2 and it was playable, but to be honest I was kind of annoyed with it.
❤️. Bro, that’s beautiful. Keep it that way. The guilt starts pouring right away once I think of buying anything for myself. I’m so fucking cheap when it comes to buying shit for myself. You’ll find me lurking around the Facebook market place getting the cheapest deals possible, and they get all the good stuff.