“Huh, I wonder why everyone is so unhappy and unstable. Hey, why is everything run so inefficiently, doesn’t anyone know how to work together anymore? Why is everything falling apart? Oh well, just human nature I guess.”
“Huh, I wonder why everyone is so unhappy and unstable. Hey, why is everything run so inefficiently, doesn’t anyone know how to work together anymore? Why is everything falling apart? Oh well, just human nature I guess.”
almost makes you want to become a linkedin influencer with a huge following and start posting bad advice to sabotage everyone else. well, not enough to actually go on linkedin
To sabotage them they would be have to be able to learn. They would not be in that position of they were able to learn anything meaningful.
There was a LinkedIn influencer whose schtick was “How to get rich using life lessons I learned by living among the Amish”, so I think it’s safe to say it’s been done.