Neoclassical economics is not a right-wing apparatus. Many of its inventors were socialists. Austrians are distressed by it because they (rightly) recognize that it can be used for mechanism design to control the market.
Ok, I’m starting to doubt this guy…
The whole premise is about how “the left” needs to be more appealing through a positive message and then it goes into an incoherent list full of jargon. Many of the items are not even positive alternatives, they are just criticisms.
Oh and this person is obviously still a (confused) liberal, given their takes. I suspect they have the equivalent of 1 or 2 basic econ classes under their belt or have read a bazinga book like Freakonomics and somehow this puts them in good stead to lecture on propaganda.
Imagine if you held a rally and this person got up on the podium and read this post out loud.
Yea whenever I see some article that says “the left needs to do x” it’s either talking about liberals or criticizing a group of actual leftists who have little to no power, which is just intellectual masturbation. I know that there’s room for criticism of the left, but it feels so hollow when you ignore that the left is tiny.
The left has to become alot bigger of a movement to actually criticize it in a useful way imo. Or at least people who don’t participate in any praxis shouldn’t waste their time criticizing it.
Things I wish liberals understood about economics
- literally anything beyond what is indoctrinated into minors during high school as an iron law of physical science, right after the Pledge of Allegiance.
if the critiques pointing out the internal contradictions of the dominant ideological frame were recent, one could excuse unfamiliarity with them. but they are like 150 years old at this point.
the ignorance in any adult, especially an “economist” is willful and deserving of scorn.
Is there a single econ department in a US university that favors Marxist economics?
You must always be clear about whether or not you are making a serious proposal or critiquing the way things are.
This “author” is not a serious person.